Nov 042014

In the meantime the expo “The Empire of the color”… to the MSR, Musée Saint-Raymond, Today a small teaser !

The Musée Saint-Raymond, Musée des Antiques de Toulouse, proposes to follow the preparation of the next temporary exhibition “The Empire of the color, Pompei in southern Gaul” (15 November 2014 > 22 March 2015).

En 79 a.d., The eruption of Mount Vesuvius interrupts the life of cities and areas of the Gulf of Naples : the painted decorations are unalterably frozen. Since the 19th century, four major types of sets were found on the walls of the houses of the Gulf of Naples : These are the four "Pompeian styles.. Obviously, Roman painting does not abort with the eruption of the Vesuvius, the reign of the Emperor Titus ; even if the painted after 79 are less well preserved than the large 'fossilized' sets of Campania, However, they give a good idea of the successive modes. The influence of the painted decorations of Italy is particularly noticeable in the Roman provinces of Gallia narbonensis and Aquitaine. This South of the Gauls, where the decorations are adapted to the requirements of the owners, is little by little his own decorative way. The Toulouse exhibition presents an exceptional grouping of from paintings of the Gulf of Naples and frescos discovered in the South of the France, Cannes in Bordeaux ; It looks like the unprecedented confrontation in France between Campania decorative patterns and ancient Roman provinces of Narbonne and Aquitaine.

Curators of the exhibition : Pascal Capus, Musée Saint-Raymond, and Alexandra Dardenay, Senior Lecturer in ancient art (University Jean-Jaurès Toulouse)
Scientific partners : a team of researchers, all specialists in ancient Roman painting.