Each year, the association “The Italy in Toulouse”
propose et organise pour ses adhérents des Week-end Culturels
et/ ou une semaine en Italie.


The 17 to the 21 October 2024

“Rome Impériale, Renaissance et Baroque”











In the column “Details” of the year chosen, Click on the link to access the program.


2024ROME Impériale, renaissance et Baroque17 to the 21 October 2024ROME 2024
2023Circuit TURIN & Foire du Chocolat en Piémont01 to the 04 November 2023Turin 2023
2022Circuit POUILLES & Excursion en Basilicate22 to the 29 October 2022Puglia 2022
2019Cap sur la Calabre03 to the 10 more 2019Cap sur la Calabre 2019
2018Amalfi Coast & Paestum03 to the 10 more 2018Amalfi Coast 2018
2017Milan14 to the 21 more 2017Milan 2017
2016Naples12 to the 19 more 2016Naples 2016
2014Markets23 to the 30 more 2014Market 2014
2015The high Lazio8 to the 15 more 2015Lazio 2015
2009Venetian and Palladian Villas17 to the 24 more 2009Veneto 2009
2010Piedmont8 to the 15 more 2010Turin 2010
2007Sicile Orientale/Catane11 to the 18 more 2007Sicily 2007
2006Sicile Occidentale/Palerme19 to the 26 more 2006Sicily 2006
2011Sardinia20 to the 27 more 2011Sardinia 2011
2003Rome4 to the 11 more 2003Rome 2003
2012Puglia14 to the 21 more 2012Puglia 2012
2004Puglia15 to the 22 more 2004Puglia 2004
2005Umbria1er to the 9 more 2005Umbria 2005
2008Liguria and 5 Land4 to the 11 more 2008Liguria 2008
2013Friuli21 to the 28 more 2013Friuli 2013
2000Florence / Siena / San Gimignano19 to the 26 February 2000Florence 2000
2002Bologna 22 to the 29 April 2002Bologna 2002
2001Amalfi Coast1er to the 8 more 2001Amalfi 2001