Category: Cinema Utopia Toulouse: Film output “Imputazione di omicidio per uno studente” Mauro BOLOGNINI


10 June 2015 11 June 2015


Toulouse Utopia film, from the 10 June until the 30/06/15:

- Italy 1972 1h39mn VOSTF - with Massimo Ranieri, Martin Balsam, Valentina Cortese, Salvo Randone, Turi Ferro....
Scenario Ugo Pirro and Ugo Liberatore.
Music of Ennio Morricone - Unpublished in France


"The years 70, It was the great period of Italian political cinema, a lyric cinema, powerful, who knew BREW humans while testifying with a rare relevance of the subtleties of a political situation that bubbled throughout... In Europe, We were in the heart of the 'years of lead' and, in all of the countries, fierce repression met a radical political activism and violent that itself was opposed to a system that does ­industry on twisted shots, manipulation of any kind. Local demands is then combined with an internationalist challenge...
Direct action, the Red Army faction, the Red Brigades, etc. Some small groups were engaged in armed struggle, but the youth as a whole reacted to the American invasion to the Viet Nam, opposed to Franco's Spain, in the Greece of the Colonels... Pinochet took power in Chile with the help of the CIA, in Latin America the military dictators tortured, imprisoned. The extreme right was not in rest and a little everywhere was practiced what has been called the "strategy of tension". : put in place of "provocations" to cause reactions which justified in the eyes of the little people terrified the more repressive policies...

It is in this context that Mauro Bolognini realizes this remarkable and exciting chronicle of a homicide. The film opens on a demonstration which degenerates and leaves behind a young protester and a police officer of the same age, the skull shattered by knuckles.
Fabio is a student in architecture : pretty boy, wealthy family, charming mother, father judge training. It is to the latter that will accrue the responsibility for the investigation : on the police side, things are rather clear, and the Chief Commissioner has his inkling about the identity of the culprit. But if the complicity of colleagues trying to curb the judge's investigation to protect the COP hate and low ceiling that pulled the ball head of the extreme-left activist, one of the convenor of the Group Lotta continued is quickly arrested and designated guilty before even any embryo of evidence. The police, representative of a system which does not in lace, do not hesitate to convict an innocent person to strengthen its strategy, but the young revolutionaries, their side, are willing to let their friend in prison by political calculation and to maintain voltage.

Where things get complicated, It is that we are dealing with a judge determined to do his job, not very sensitive to the various pressures, indifferent to its own career development. Until the moment when he discovers that his son is involved up to the marrow in the murder of the police officer... This is intense, but sober : the relationship between the father and the son are of the order of the political confrontation, and the emotional, as long as it is present and flush often, does not alter the perception that everyone has of the system that leads them to confront and to make choices... that they would not have believed duty or power."

Gazette Utopia.

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