Oct 132015

rencontres club oeno novembre 2015.Our sommelier is back and offers for this fall :
en 3 sleeves : 3 french against wines 3 Italian wines

In a good mood, While munching, We will enjoy, compare, comment on... and q
EU the best wins !

Three slots of 1 h 30 to choose :
– Group 1 Friday 13 November at 18:30
– Group 2 Saturday 14 November at 16: 00
– Group 3 Saturday 14 November to 18 h
Place :
35 TER rue Gabriel Peri, 31000 Toulouse

Participation :
– Members €10
– Non-members of the Association €15

Max : 12 people.

Pre-registration required with the secretariat. Think quickly !


Oct 132015

hosted by Isabelle Vitale

CLUB CONVERSATION AFFICHE 1 Wednesday on 2 and 1 Friday per month.

Open to all members.

Next meetings :
– Wednesday 4 and 18 November
– Friday 13 November

at the Bar The Golden COCKEREL, 58 BVD Carnot, 31000 Toulouse.

Compulsory booking with the secretariat (Max 12 people)

Activity offered by the Association.
CONSUMPTION at the Bar pay and mandatory.


Oct 132015
















The Occitania invites all the languages and cultures of the world present castanet and the surrounding area to meet, Exchange, share words, music, spellings and alphabets, flavours and colours.
10h opening of stands
11h "hittite"., in the heart of the history of European languages.: Conference on the cuneiform Scriptures by Olivier Lauffenburger Beyond of the presence of stands, throughout the day, will be held, courses in languages, debates or conferences on the question of the languages in the broad sense.
17h screening of the documentary film "Se canta.. 9 years after its release, This will be the opportunity to take the recoil on the subject with the Director, Stéphane Valentin, and wonder about the Occitania today and perhaps more generally on the 'regional' cultures in France. 3€
19h musical Aperitif

In partnership with Festa d ' Òc and the MJC
Information : 06 22 87 66 25
20 Toulouse Avenue
31320 Castanet-tolosan


Oct 132015

Soirée Venise 161015

To’ this opportunity, you will find an exhibition of photographs by Dominique Lapierre who will present and comment on photos from 18:00..

This exhibition illustrates the journey of the photographer, Depending on the route taken by the Venetian traveler Marco Polo in the East.
“… [a quick overview of the places mentioned by Marco Polo more than seven centuries ago. A current look at an important period of the history of discoveries. The photographs were taken between April 2006 and June 2011 while I followed the footsteps of Marco Polo. They were classified according to the route taken by the Venetian traveller in the East.]”



HTTPS:///1115679237259918486/ExpositionUneTerreDesHommesSurLesTracesDeMarcoPolo picasaweb.google.com

Free admission for members – Reservation required.

Each will bring an entry (type : tapas)!

By clicking on the link below, You can watch a movie on one of the most exciting journeys of history ! An adventure which meanders between Europe and East and which has left an indelible trace in the reports between the two civilizations: “The travels of MARCO POLO” Di Roberto Fagiolo, con it prof. Franco Cardini. RAI STORIA / RAI TRE.


Jun 112015


The oenology club meetings were a great success!
We thank all participants and we invite them in November next for a comparative discovery!

Our sommelier, Yves Ramon,

Member of the Association of Sommeliers Midi Pyrenees and our Association,

will return to Italy with excellent wines (Brunello di Montalcino, Barbaresco…)

and yet offers a meeting:

Monday 15 June 2015 16:00 and 6:30 pm

Theme «How to taste a wine.?»

The meeting, 1 h 30, will address the following themes :

  • Open a bottle correctly
  • How to enjoy a wine, without drinking
  • How to tune the wine with meals

Place : Headquarters of the Association (35 TER rue Gabriel Peri, 31000 Toulouse)

Pre-registration is required because the group will be limited to 14 people.

Participation :

– 10€ for members

– 15€ for Non members

So you can invite your friends to come and thus help them discover our Association.

And to complete your learning to a wine tasting event, Download the Smartphone application: Himantha: Wine Explorer: HTTPS://iTunes.Apple.com/FR/app/vivinoexplorateur-de-wine/id414461255?Mt = 8

Mar 202015


"The Italy in Toulouse" organises wine-themed workout

«How to taste a wine.?»

This session will be moderated by Yves Ramon, Member of the Association of Sommeliers Midi Pyrenees and our Association.

The meeting will be of 1 h 30 and will address the following themes :

  • Open a bottle correctly
  • How to enjoy a wine, without drinking
  • How to tune the wine with meals

For the moment, 2 sessions are scheduled !

Day/time : Friday 10 April 2015 16:00 and 6:30 pm

Place : Headquarters of the Association (35 TER rue Gabriel Peri, 31000 Toulouse)

Pre-registration is required because the group will be limited to 14 people.

Participation :

– 10€ for members

– 15€ for Non members

So you can invite your friends to come and thus help them discover our Association.

Of course, This session will do much to Italian wines.

And to complete your learning to a wine tasting event, Download the Smartphone application: Himantha: Wine Explorer: HTTPS://iTunes.Apple.com/FR/app/vivinoexplorateur-de-wine/id414461255?Mt = 8