Jan 052016

Starting at 8:40- Carrefour Purpan in bus
•Back to 6:00 pm- Carrefour Purpan
•Adherents : 40 €
•Non-members : 45 €
Mandatory •reservation and prepayment

Contact : l.Italie.a.Toulouse@wanadoo.fr / 05 61 99 68 82

sortie en armagnac

  • Alcohol abuse is dangerous for health, consume with moderation


Gascon salad
(Green Salad, Duck gizzards, cracklings, dried duck breast...)

Duck breast Tournedos and slice of seared foie gras
Corsican juice
Timbale of potatoes
Cassolette of grilled vegetables

Slice of cheese
And green salad

Crisp Apple and armagnac
And its scoop of vanilla ice cream


Dec 172015


Saturday 9 JANUARY 2015 from 15 HOURS to 16 HOURS

Andrée Prognon, our Honorary President, will speak about Sardinia that she knows
and so we travel together towards this beautiful island.

Do not hesitate to register by e-mail to this meeting of the club of conversation in Italian,
because lack of sufficient space, I am obliged to limit the number 20 participants.

Vi aspetto per fare Allora a tutti insieme brindisi

A presto!


Dec 172015




Meeting during the month of January 2016 :

* Friday 15 January 2015 / 18H30
* Wednesday 27 January 2015 / 18H30

at the Bar Le COQ d'Or, 58 BVD Carnot, 31000 Toulouse
Don't forget to register by e-mail ! No theme suggested this time!

How does this conversation club ?

* the frequency of these meetings is a Wednesday and Friday in the month

* the conversation club is open to all members, but we will not exceed the number of 12 participants.

* The activity is offered by the Association but that consumption at the Bar is mandatory and pay as well as the presentation of the card of accession of the Italy in Toulouse.

* a theme will be addressed if we have more ideas.



Dec 032015


” The exhibition brings together projects, drawings, sketches and sometimes unreleased archival photographs, carried out by the Italian architect, Gio Ponti during more than half a century of activity : furniture, houses, offices, skyscraper, power plants have inspired this innovative engineering.
Real tribute to GIO PONTI, great Italian master of industrial design and interior architecture of the 20th century, the exhibition was conceived on the occasion of the re-release of Gio Ponti furniture by Moltoni & C.
Who supported including the draft of the ” Casa Elecctrica ” (House electric) en 1930 and later other power plants, the architect has worked several times for Edison, major producer of electricity in Italy, Today company of the EDF Group. Glance at the meeting of art and industry, the exhibition traces the architectural works, industrial and household of the famous architect.”

HTTPS://www.YouTube.com/ watch?v = FjGb3YeFadc
HTTPS://www.YouTube.com/ watch?v = sBL0o25kJ04


Dec 032015


The Musée des Augustins, Museum of fine arts, this Toulouse, from the 21 November 2015, a completely new exhibition on the figures of fantasy in Europe from the 16th to the 18th century. Yet little studied as a subject in its own right in the history of art, fantasy figures include paintings illustrating the fascination that have been able to exercise human figure and body on European art for more than two centuries.

This exhibition covers almost three centuries of European painting, from the beginning of the 16th century at the end of the 18th century. It is entirely original, as curious as it may seem, Although we meet problems envisaged also angle portrait, the scene of kind or allegory on the occasion of our past exhibitions.

Eight national schools are represented as well as the main European artistic centres, from Rome to Paris, of Utrecht in London, Antwerp in Vienna, Haarlem in Naples, from Seville to Venice.
Near some eighty tables were selected to illustrate the figure of fantasy.

Focus on emotions and human passions, They offer to look closer to the subject privacy and address universal themes, still surprisingly modern, as the appearance of feelings, the ambivalence of human beings humans or the gender issue. Away from the art of the portrait constrained by the command or fashion, This exhibition is a true praise of freedom, the invention and virtuosity in painting. “
