Mar 262015

On the occasion of the national release of the film, the Association “Cinema Paradiso” is pleased to offer you a special evening at the ABC

Wednesday 8 April 2015 : “LEOPARDI, It giovane favoloso”, by Mario Martone, 2h17 Vost

The screening of the film will be preceded at 7.45 pm glass of friendship and to
20a projection/debate moderated by Cristina Noa H30CCO, Lecturer at the University of Toulouse - Le Mirail

(On-site at the Abc cinema bookings recommended starting April 1st)

All the details on the site :

or the facebook page: pages/Festival-du-film-Italian-Toulouse/109422012438448


With Elio Germano



To learn more :

Child prodigy, Giacomo Leopardi grew up in a library, under the tutelage of an uncompromising father. His mind wanders, but it feels locked up within the walls of his house, as in a prison. Because for this avid reader, the world seems out of reach, far from home... While Europe is crossed by upheavals and revolutions, Giacomo is increasingly attracted to the outside world. At the age of 24 years, He left Recanati to attending high society which opened its doors. But this rebellious spirit finds its place nowhere. In Florence, He leads a life of Bohemian with its Neapolitan friend Antonio Ranieri, until the two men fall in love with the same woman, the lovely Fanny. He eventually settled in Naples with Ranieri, where he is faced with the miserable living conditions of the working class. When a cholera epidemic expresses, Giacomo and Antonio complete their long journey, to enter a property nestled in the countryside, at the foot of Vesuvius.
The opinion of the ABC cinema:
This film is a rare and powerful beauty, as the poetry of Leopardi itself. Elio Germani which it knows the talent (My brother is an only child, Nostra vita) inhabits his character's admirably. Not to be missed under any circumstances !

"At odds with the balmy biopics., immersed in formalin, This beautiful portrait escapes the academicism to enrol instead in a romantic tradition that eyeing on the side of Visconti. » The world

Feb 122015

Ariane Ascaride presents in preview the film by Stefano Consiglio “Love does not forgive”



A woman, a man, two cultures and years separating them : Will Adriana and Mohamed exceed the prejudices of the world that surrounds them ? A history of sincere love in the heart of the South Italy.

Director's note : Difficult loves, loves contrasting, doomed love : It's this that usually feeds 'melodrama' in film. An eternal kind, today few narrated, because taboos and conventions (Morales, social, economic) make a love story, difficult, contrasting or impossible, are now fortunately less frequent. But they are not all gone !
With this film - which tells the story of love between a sixty-year-old woman and a man
much younger, and most importantly an origin and a different religion - I wanted to put me in the wake of the tradition of this genre.
Adriana and Mohamed will manage to defend their love, to survive the vortices
they will cross on their way ?
This is the essence of any 'melodrama '., the suspense that anime.
It is a love story, Therefore, which consists of a series of themes of the present
and which reflect many of the contradictions of our world today. A story that is a
side inexorably projected in the future and at the same time hosted by the fear of the unknown.

Stefano Consiglio

Jan 232015

Evening in partnership with the Radici magazine and event “WOPS, stories of emigration” (the 7 February at the Hotel of the Region and the 8 in the Halle aux Grains)
In the presence of Director Giuliano Montaldo + LITTLE VENICE / Friday 6 February 2015 at 20:30

– LITTLE VENICE , Andrea Segre
/ 18h45
With : Zhao Tao, Rade Serbedzija, Marco Paolini Researcher in sociology, Andrea Segre is passed by the documentary before arriving at this first feature film. The female role, all finesse and sensitivity, is required by Jia Zhang-ke fetish actress while supporting roles are entrusted to actors who speak the Venetian dialect. Shooting in lights and natural scenery accentuates the realism of the subject. Yet Io sono Li (original title of the film) is also full of poetry and emotion, avoiding becoming the simple testimony of a transforming world.
About Sacco and VAnzetti…

– SACCO AND VANZETTI, Giuliano Montaldo / 20H30.
Programming at the ABC : the 6 to the 17 February
With : Gian Maria volonté, Riccardo Cucciola Director Giuliano Montaldo presents his film Friday 6 February at 20 h 30. Evening in partnership with the Radici magazine and event “WOPS, stories of emigration” (the 7 February at the Hotel of the Region and the 8 in the Halle aux grains) A FASCINATING AND DEEPLY MOVING WORK ON THE FAMOUS JUDICIAL CONTROVERSY

"I have most suffered for my family and for those who are dear to myself to me., but I'm so convinced of being in just that if you had the power to kill me twice and twice I could reborn, I would again live to do exactly what I've done so far. »

Bartolomeo Vanzetti

Directed 1971 by the Italian Giuliano Montaldo, Sacco and Vanzetti, part of these unforgettable films of the history of the cinema, tracing the tragic fate of two Italian anarchists sentenced to death because of their political beliefs with accuracy and humanism. The filmmaker relies for this on a bright scenario, describing in great detail the various trials, and on an atypical staging, combining multiple flashbacks and original archives – newspaper clippings, era news. It is less to Montaldo to the quest for the truth than to denounce the incredible undertaking demonisation of two men considered to be 'different' in an America increasingly conservative and hostile towards foreigners. The genius of this film is largely due to his masterful interpretation : Riccardo Cucciolla campe a Sacco resigned and quickly overtaken by events – Best award at the Festival de Cannes from 1971 – and Gian Maria volonté (For a fistful of dollars, Investigation of a citizen above suspicion) a combative and integrated Vanzetti to the end in his ideas.
Sacco and Vanzetti is a tremendous indictment against xenophobia and for justice and freedom, known worldwide thanks to the extraordinary his signed band Ennio Morricone and Joan Baez, and the song "Here's to You..
A cinema in its splendid restored version finally visible masterpiece !
"Here for you"., Nicola and Bart
Rest for always in our hearts
The last and final moment is yours
This agony is your triumph. Joan Baez, Here's to You
(lyrics : Joan BAEZ, music : Ennio MORRICONE) This music will be proposed at the symposium which will be held on Saturday at the Hotel de France by Grégory Daltin.

Dec 112014

Discover the announcement of our children, the Italian Ivano De Matteo film currently on display at the Cinéma ABC Toulouse !
with Alessandro Gassman, Giovanna Mezzogiorno, Luigi Lo Cascio, Barbora Bobulová, Rosabell Laurenti Sellers


How far would you be able to go to protect your children ? Join us on Facebook ➨ http://bit.LY-Le-Cinema ★ subscribe ➨ http://bit.LY/HeWbBJ ★…



How far would you be able to go to protect your children ?

Nov 212014

Italian to the ABC film: “IT CAPITAL UMANO” by Paolo Virzì, 1H50 vost / from the 19 November 2014

With : Valeria Bruni Tedeschi, Valeria Golino, Fabrizio Bentivoglio, Luigi lo Cascio.
The families of the wealthy Carla Bernaschi and Dino Robelli, bankrupt real estate agent, have only one obsession : money. Accident Christmas Eve will abruptly change their destiny. spip.php?article335



Nov 042014

con he suo "LE VOCI di DENTRO", Director and star Toni Servillo, Live from Teatro San Ferdinando di Napoli.

Thirty years after the death of Eduardo DE FILIPPO, the institutions, the theatre, the country remembers one of his greatest drammaturgi that tell of Naples to tell the world in a happy synthesis that made his stories as possible and proposed not only in Italy, but in Russia, in England, everywhere.
