Jun 252015

Monday to Saturday an Italian film at 3 p.m. and Sunday at 9 p.m..



Retrospective in 5 movies of great classics of transalpine cinema in new prints.


That happiness in perspective !


Kick off July 1 with :


“For a fistful of dollars” by Sergio Leone







“Rocco and his brothers” Visconti








“Wedding in Italian” by Vittorio de Sica







“The great traffic jam” by Luigi Comencini







“Maris in freedom” by Luigi Comencini, a new film in theaters in France







“Poor but beautiful” Dino Risi

Affiche du film : PAUVRES MAIS BEAUX

This delightful comedy of 1956 has been restored in digital copy and adds to the classics of Italian cinema of this summer 2015.


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