Oct 312014
Discover the steps of the Italian Resistance through an original course.A route to traverse a founding episode in history democratictick and Republican in Italy during World War II : the Italian Resistance against the nazi-fascists. For each step, practical information on tourist and gastronomic opportunities.

“RESISTANCE ITALIAN”. Turin, Milan, Venice, Trieste, Bologna or Genoa, but also the winding paths of the Piedmontese Alps, the villages lost in the Carnia, the marble quarries of Tuscany ; formerly abandoned farms partisan bases, the factories idle seats first labor strikes, the buildings of periphery theatres of clandestine meetings or sinister rooms of torture. Here we are at the scene of the Resistance in Northern Italy, in the footsteps of supporters, famous or anonymous, who opposed the German occupation after the signing of the armistice by the Badoglio Government in 1943.


Friday 6 February 2015 from 18:00 to 19:00 / Librairie Ombres Blanches: Debate with Rocco Femia, Pierre Cadars and Marc Lazar on the occasion of the publication of the book: the "Italian Resistance" Editions Editalie

Oct 312014
Monica Zornetta, Andrea Sceresini, 20€, 218 pages. Discover the life of Giuseppe Verdi in a book that course the main stages of his life.

On the occasion of the bicentenary of his birth, au wire of the pages of this book dedicated to Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901), you will discover the route traversed by the great Italian composer throughout his life. A true invitation to travel, famous native Emilia-Romagna in the major Italian theaters where it went, passing by the Paris Opera, England and the Egypt. You are going to meet the man who passed through disappointments, chess and bereavements, before becoming the iconic musician of a United Italy. This book is neither quite a historical work, neither quite a tourist guide, but a mixture of the two. It is a book about the Verdi homelands, offering a constant back and forth between past and present, Thanks to many information about the tourist opportunities today these places, whether they are famous or more intimate, and that you can visit yourself.
http://www.Radici-press.NET/ shop/les-places-giuseppe-verdi.

Friday 6 February 2015 from 18:00 to 19:00 / Librairie Ombres Blanches: Debate with Rocco Femia, Pierre Cadars and Marc Lazar on the occasion of the publication of the book: “Places of Giuseppe Verdi”» Editions Editalie
Oct 102014



Maintenance and reading, in the presence of the translator, Muriel Gallot,
(Ultimate work of De Roberto : “1917, soldiers in the Dolomites, between courage and fear”.)
By bringing together within a single volume two the most striking news of Federico De Roberto relating to the war of 14-18, Les Éditions Cambourakis intend to do (Re)Discover one of the lesser known aspects of his work to the French-speaking public. In fear, Federico De Roberto evokes with equanimity the programmed death of five designated successively soldiers to join a sentry post, and described with mastery the crescendo of fear that seizes those destined for death soldiers while conducting an intense reflection on the fascination of courage. The ultimate wish, unpublished in France, tells in the first part – similar to the first new because of the tone and the atmosphere – the horror of war. The author is portrayed the spirit of camaraderie that binds these men doomed to the same fate, and with the determination to make the body of a fallen Captain grounded reminiscent of obstinacy and the dignity of a modern Antigone, before changing the registry to denounce the venality of wives more interested in their husband's pension by their heroism with humour and cynicism.


de-robertoRoberto Federico
Born in Naples in 1861 in a family of the Sicilian nobility, Federico De Roberto abandons his studies of mathematics and physics in twenty years to devote himself entirely to his literary and journalistic activity. Iron
wind advocate of naturalistic and Verismo poetry, Roberto in rigorously applied rules, to the extreme the impersonal aspect of the narrator and the rigorous observation of the facts. He gradually turned to prose and, transferred to Milan, It is introduced via Verga in the artistic and literary environment Italian. When the war broke out of 14, Federico De Roberto is too old to be sent to the front ; However, between 1919 and 1923, nine news of war appear in various journals - engaged works, carefully documented and infinitely ontemporaines that could take for real-life testimonies. Died in 1927, This great writer is one of the most characteristic representatives of the Italian Verismo, alongside his masters, Giovanni Verga and Luigi Capuana. It is the link that leads to Pirandello, Lampedusa, Sciascia or Consolo.

Jul 012014

under the direction of Jean Gili Volume 1: of neorealism to the Italy of conflict

This publication still available to the Association the Italy in Toulouse”!
RADICI Special Edition new, a book devoted to Italian cinema

EDITALIE editions. Volume 1 / 387 pages / 35 € / Release February 2014
POINT of sale also to the Association “The Italy in Toulouse”


A reference book on Italian cinema, with as great originality, interviews with those who have made this film, questioned by journalists writers, Essayists, reporters. This book is therefore not a nth history of Italian cinema, but the cinema and the Italian company seen and felt by the filmmakers.
Especially rich iconography is, She also, original, with its many clichés of filming and its nombresux portraits.

"Italian cinema is probably best testified that a people and who has expressed best statements - thought to neorealism-, the rifts, the suffering and the reasons to believe in the future»..

It is with these words that Jean has. Gili, introduced a book on Italian cinema. If the theme was, and continues to be still widely studied, It is this time the subject of original treatment, through a publication in two volumes : an important collection of interviews, unpublished in French, those who have done the Italian cinema of the post-war period to the present day. Interviews conducted, and it is one of the main interests of the book, by journalists who are not only specialists in Italian cinema, but true "feathers"., reporters, writers, Essayists, that have marked the major pages of Italian and international of the period journalism : Oriana Fallaci, Alberto Moravia, Oreste Del Buono, Claudio Carabba or Lietta Tornabuoni.

It is therefore not strictly speaking a "history of Italian cinema., or even a critical essay, but a personal and intimate journey, in the heart of the consciences, of the 'perks '., of these great names of the seventh art. A collection that reflected - in responses as in the questions - the key issues that crossed transalpine society and cinema. A course that is also beautiful to iconography, Thanks to numerous portraits and pictures of the shootings.

The first book talk :

  • « Neorealism "with, among others, Roberto Rossellini, Giuseppe De Santis, Luchino Visconti, or Toto and Anna Magnani.
  • « The Italy of the boom », Autour by Federico Fellini and Marcello Mastroianni, Giulietta Masina and Claudia Cardinale or Sophia Loren, the comedy with Dino Risi and Mario Monicelli and the beginnings of political film by Francesco Rosi.
  • « The Italy of conflict "and an iconic actor, Gian Maria volonté, but as directors such as Pier Paolo Pasolini, Marco Ferreri and Elio Petri, Michelangelo Antonioni or the young Marco Bellocchio.