May 182015

logo_soloneTo’ partir du 14 more, à Turin: Salone Internazionale del Libro 2015.

The theme 2015: the wonders of Italy

“Are the wonders of Italy the leitmotif of the Salone Internazionale del Libro 2015. The year of the Milan Expo, intended to draw millions of visitors, provides an opportunity to revisit and rethink our relationship with the immense heritage that we have inherited. An artistic treasure, architecture, literature, Musicale, linguistic usage, landscaping, that includes materials techniques, the design, fashion, the cinema, photography and that, in his own variety, He helped define what is recognized as the character, the identity, Italian style.”

Mar 232015


Early April, publication of a book of Jean-Luc Dousset, at the Editions Jeanne d'Arc, dedicated to the greatest collector of archaeological pieces that existed: Giampietro Campana.
“Giampietro Campana the curse of the anticomane” traces the existence of this character out of the ordinary !
Giovanni Pietro Campana is not a collector. It is the collector !
Born in Rome in 1808, This Italian Aristocrat, became Director of the Mount of piety in his hometown in 1833 has constituted the most important collection of antiques and works of art ever in less than thirty years !
He loses the reason by updating the treasures, thousands of gold jewelry that contain etruscan tombs !
The anticomanie devours ! It is prey to fever…
Giovanni Pietro Campana is in turn archaeologist, art dealer, Patron… and Director of the Mount of piety.
Giovanni Pietro Campana is thus constitutes a unique collection… with more of 15.000 art objects, Etruscan jewellery, Greek and Roman pottery, the majolica but also tables, paintings of the Italian primitives of the Renaissance…
He needs money, It has more, the Mount of piety has.
Cardinal Antonelli, who has not supported the appointment of Giampietro Campana en 1833 at the head of the Mount of piety in Rome takes his revenge almost twenty-five years later.
Order, San Michele prison, in Rome, the marquis Campana di Cavelli is sentenced to twenty years of galleys for misappropriation of public funds…
He was the master of Rome, There is more nothing.
Therefore, Giampietro Campana will attend parts of its collection development, become the prey of the States.
But, soon, en 1861, the France acquires the majority of works of art !
Can finally return to Rome after the fall of the Papal States, It will endeavour to obtain redress, the name of justice.
But his fate is sealed.
In the galleries of the Louvre, in many museums in France, in Belgium, in London, in Russia, to the Hermitage, When the doors are closed, Sometimes a strange visitor…

Getaways, Italy, Milan

Mar 162015


– Corriere della Sera (newspaper of the bourgeoisie, in Milan, is one of two major media)

– The Republic (centre-left newspaper, of Rome, is one of two major media)

– the sun 24 Hours (main economic and financial newspaper)

– The Messenger (Rome's main newspaper)

– Printing (newspaper of Fiat, of Turin)

– Il Mattino (daily Naples main)

– Il Gazzettino (Venice's main newspaper)

– Future (Catholic newspaper, the Italian Episcopal Conference)

– Il Giornale (right-wing newspaper, in Milan)

– the time (centre-right daily newspaper, of Rome)

– Free (right-wing newspaper, in Milan)

– The Unit (Democratic Party newspaper, on the left)

– Europe (Democratic Party newspaper, Center)

– Il Riformista (opinion of centre-left newspaper)

– The Sheet (opinion of the centre-right newspaper)

– Il Fatto Quotidiano (opinion left newspaper)

– Il Manifesto (the Communist newspaper)

– Liberation (daily of the Communist Refoundation Party)

– La Padania (newspaper of Lega Nord)

– La Gazzetta dello Sport (leading sports daily)

– Ansa (main Italian press agency)

– Adnkronos (Press Agency)

– Rai News 24 (Channel site all-news Rai)

– Asianews (Agency of the Pontifical Institute for foreign missions)

– Peace Reporter (Press Agency on international themes)

– The Voice (economic analysis site, maintained by university professors)

– Life (Journal of non-profits)

– Gambero Rosso (gastronomic culture site)

– Dagospia (satirical site of gossip and politics)


Feb 052015

Friday 6 February 2015 from 18:00 to 19:00: Debate with Rocco Femia, Pierre Cadars and Marc Lazar on the occasion of the publication of books : "The Verdi homelands" and "Italian Resistance" Editions Editalieorganise in conjunction with the Symposium Ritals - stories of emigration, the 7-8 February 2015.

Rocco Femia is Publisher and journalist, founder of the editions EDITALIE and Director of the Franco-Italian bilingual magazine RADICI. He is the author of several publications : Heart open (New city, 1994), At the heart of the roots and men (2007), Italians 150 years of emigration in France and elsewhere (2011).
He worked also regularly with the most important Italian and french newspapers.

Marc Lazar is Professor at the Institute of political studies in Paris as well as at the Luiss in Rome. Recognized expert of the Italy and the West European left, He has published numerous books on Western communism and the contemporary Italy.

Pierre Cadars, cinema and music specialist, former Director of the Cinémathèque de Toulouse, regularly publishes in the journal Radici.

“The Verdi homelands”: Through the pages of this book dedicated to Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901), you will discover the route traversed by the great Italian composer throughout his life. A true invitation to travel, famous native Emilia-Romagna in the major Italian theaters where it went, passing by the Paris Opera, England and the Egypt. You are going to meet the man who passed through disappointments, chess and bereavements, before becoming the iconic musician of a United Italy. This book is neither quite a historical work, neither quite a tourist guide, but a mixture of the two. It is a book about the Verdi homelands, offering a constant back and forth between past and present, Thanks to many information about the tourist opportunities today these places, whether they are famous or more intimate, and that you can visit yourself.

“Italian resistance”: Turin, Milan, Venice, Trieste, Bologna or Genoa, but also the winding paths of the Piedmontese Alps, the villages lost in the Carnia, the marble quarries of Tuscany ; formerly abandoned farms partisan bases, the factories idle seats first labor strikes, the buildings of periphery theatres of clandestine meetings or sinister rooms of torture. Here we are at the scene of the Resistance in Northern Italy, in the footsteps of supporters, famous or anonymous, who opposed the German occupation after the signing of the armistice by the Badoglio Government in 1943.






Feb 052015

Meeting with Antonio Moresco Tuesday 3 February 2015 from 18:00 to 20:00 around its work: ” The little light”, published by Éditions Verdier. / Librairie Ombres Blanches.

Antonio Moresco was born in Mantua in 1947. Major figure in the contemporary narrative prose, It is without doubt one of the most inspired and the most delicate of Italian literature writers. Over the years 90, He has published numerous novels, News, plays and tests including Milanese editions Mondadori.

"I came here to disappear., in this abandoned and deserted hamlet which I am the only inhabitant. The Sun has just fade away behind the ridge line. The light goes. At this time, I am sitting a few meters from my little house, facing a steep plant. Watching the world about to be engulfed by the darkness. »

We shall know with precision what flees the narrator of the little light, probably the contemporary urban world, his disorder, its dissonances, probably also a weariness, a more intimate and more secret distress.
When the novel opens, It is already there, lonely and attentive, immersed in this landscape of mountains and forests including the night, falling, fade little by little the contours. Anchoress without faith and hope, disoriented, hitched or almost while this sheet of shadow falls down upon him and the space around, "... I breath., as if I chutais sitting on a swing on strings laid down some infinitely distant place in the universe". One foot in the novel, Another fable, serious and circumspect while he stands in this posture of balancing act, thus appears Antonio Moresco, The small light is the first book translated a large bibliography than this thin story, If he has set an example, Lets imagine all meditative and an impressive force.
The feature of Moresco is net, secure, meticulous, While it deploys its plot : a man immersed in a nature that proves to be chaotic, frantic, oppressive as the city and the crowd that he has quit ; solitude inhabited by the omnipresence of the animal world teeming in the sky and in the undergrowth ; peace and silence shortly broken by tremors that make the Earth tremble, the conversation of the swallows, the swarming of insects, fireflies and small raptors which abound in the foliage, the tug-of-war between between them plants for the occupation of space and, in the thick soil, the invisible and tireless alteration process, decomposition and renaissance which is life. […] Antonio Moresco does not answer. It merely to offer reading this metaphysical novel of striking beauty, This sensual and restless Elegy, as an irrigated fable, in its untouchable depths, by a meditation on man's place in the universe. » Nathalie Crom, Télérama