Jun 282016

au Centre d’animation de Lalande, 239, avenue de Fronton.




Nombre de places limitées
Pour réserver l’avant-première de Toulouse : 05 62 17 50 37

Omaggio a Fabrizio De André è il titolo del NUOVO spettacolo musicale prodotto dalla rivista RADICI e dedicato al più importante autore, compositore e interprete italiano. Lo scopo è di ripercorre le tappe della sua lunga carriera attraverso foto, video e soprattutto attraverso le canzoni più famose del cantautore che ha cambiato la storia della musica italiana: da “Via del Campo” a “Volta the carta”, da “Bocca di Rosa” a “Canzone di Marinella”, passando per “It Testamento di Tito”, “Fiume Sand Creek”, “UNA storia sbagliata”, “Smisurata preghiera”, “Il Pescatore”, “Khorakané” e tante altre. Un viaggio educativo e culturale di un’ora e mezza capace di sedurre un vasto pubblico grazie al valore musicale dei suoi contenuti.

Fabrizio De André è uno degli autori-compositori-interpreti italiani più importanti del XX secolo. Sicuramente il più impegnato. Nato a Genova, città che amava tanto, the 18 February 1940, si è spento all’età di 59 years, l’11 gennaio 1999.
De André ha cantato l’amore, la guerra, l’amicizia, la libertà e l’uguaglianza. Ha cantato i ribelli, le prostitute, i più deboli, trovando presso Georges Brassens un’importante fonte di ispirazione. La storia che la rivista RADICI desidera proporre con questo spettacolo è quella di numerose generazioni di Italiani che si sono nutriti della musica e dei testi di questo artista fuori dal comune. Con Omaggio a De André è un importante pezzo della storia dell’impegno italiano che verrà messa in luce.

La magnifica illustrazione per RADICI è del maestro Umberto Grati

Con la partecipazione di:
Julien Ursule, direzione musicale e violino
Florent Hortal, chitarra solista
Benjamin Naud, batteria
Henri Tournier, basso elettrico
Giovanni Canzanella, arrangiamenti e piano
Fabien Tournier, percussioni
Américo Piaggesi, chitarra

Al canto : Simona Rossella Boni e Agnese Migliore
Con la partecipazione di Rocco Femia,

Suono : Johnny Brenta Torchy
Luci : Arnaud Schultz
Testi di Rocco Femia e Andrea Sceresini
Regia di Rocco Femia


Jun 142016

La revue RADICI et GRUPPO INCANTO mettent à disposition 30 billets pour le spectacle du vendredi soir à 21h au Collège Berthelot de Toulouse.
Une soirée exceptionnelle après le match ITALIE-SUEDE.
Pour gagner vos places il faut impérativement passer les récupérer à la rédaction de RADICI au 10, Elliott Street 31000 Toulouse (quartier des Carmes).
Les places ne seront pas délivrées par téléphone.

Jun 072016


Devant les élèves du Collège et du Lycée, et avec leurs familles, de nombreuses personnalités seront présentes à la soirée. Les organisateurs ont mis très peu de billets à la vente et à un prix fort intéressant : 7,50€. Nous vous conseillons de faire vite !
Phone : 05 67 20 54 50.
Appelez le mercredi 8 and 15 juin de 13h à 18h.
Compte-tenu du dispositif de sécurité mis en place, il est impératif de se munir d’une pièce d’identité.

Mar 312016


Click on Culture, Music VIDEO address book to view and listen to his most beautiful songs

Had 57 years. Among the protagonists of his music often the last: farmers, Masons, beggars. Discovered by France, the consecration at the Olympia. “Gianmaria is no è andato senza fare rumore. His songs remain, his words. Remains its being straight man, father, son, husband, brother, AMICO”. Many fans who are expressing their condolence Recalling his attention for the past by migrants to the poor.

The Piedmont singer sang the dignity of men, love for people. Born in the countryside of cuneese, always spoke proudly of his peasant origins, and did concerts throughout Europe. In an interview last year the musician had told her fight cancer Epurse Greenhouse.

Gianmaria Testa was an artist, free and independent, able to build a musical world that, rich in references, Standing on its own behalf, in which dive and be carried away.


Mar 312016











Click on the tab Culture, Topic VIDEO Musica to visualize and listen to his most beautiful songs

Cultivator of essential Italian songs for 20 years,Gianmaria Testa died yesterday, 30 March, at the age of 57 years.

In may 2015, the Italian singer Gianmaria Testa had announced that he was suffering from an incurable tumour.
The news of his death, at the age of 57 years, fell the 30 March at noon.
Discreetly cherished in France, the Piedmontese had led first to front his singing career and his experience as stationmaster. His music was travelling : of the Italian song by jazz, folk and South American traditions, still led by a beautiful voice warm and confidante. A bouillé also : knitting, round glasses and big moustache, the farmer cultivated essential gear, High farm, What was it.
Gianmaria Testa had released a dozen albums since his debut in 1995, and collaborated with his friend the writer Erri de Luca.
His album of 2006, Da questa parte del mare, addressed the theme of migrants – in eleven songs from 1991, Gianmaria Testa had witnessed in Puglia by the tragic arrival of African refugees.
He then told our reporter Richard Robert : "No law"., no wall will stop people who go on foot to escape poverty. The Italians should be well placed to know.
In the space of two generations, they have forgotten that it was them who, Once, went abroad and were treating all names»

Mar 292016

Soon for info on the new musical production of RADICI devoted to Fabrizio De André.

Music, Theatre and images on one of the largest “singer-songwriters” Italians of the 20th century.

From “Via del Campo” up to “Volta the carta” passing through “Bocca di Rosa”, “Canzone di Marinella”, “Khorakhané”, “Smisurata preghiera”, “It Testamento di Tito”, “Fiume Sand Crek”, “UNA storia sbagliata” and many other songs.
Almost two hours of emotion and great music.
A show to offer you in theaters
but also in schools and universities.
An educational and cultural approach that seduces a large audience for its content and its musical beauty.

With the participation of musicians and singers of high level:
Julien Ursule, violin
Florent Hortal, Guitar soloist
Fabien Tournier, percussion
Giovanni Canzanella, piano
Benjamin Naud, battery
Henri Tournier, Bass
Américo Piaggesi, guitar and harmonica

Simona Rossella Boni, vocals
Agnese Migliore, vocals
Margherita Oscuro, vocals

© Foto Reinhold-Kohl – Fondazione Fabrizio De André

Information production : 05 62 17 50 37 or 06 71 36 93 19 – mail : redaction@Radici-press.NET