Mar 182016

LaPresse01-03-2012 Lutto nel mondo della musica, e' morto Lucio DallaNella foto: Lucio Dalla






Click tab then VIDEO and music CULTURE to view some more beautiful songs.

After the Switzerland, the Italy and the Germany LA SETTIMA LUNA arrives Friday in Paris at the FGO-Barbara 18 March 2016 with a show entirely devoted to the music of Lucio Dalla. An evening with the most diverse songs of the Bolognese singer.

The great success of this show just a demonstration of masterpieces such as Caruso and others who have toured the world and are loved by everyone. LA SETTIMA LUNA brings together Italian and Swiss musicians, including Jost Müller on drums and Marcel Stalder on bass. Also adds 'Lino '., singer well known in the underground Zurich (vocals, piano and accordion) and Gianni Salvioni (guitar and vocals) producers of Lucio Dalla. Claudio Stefanizzi keyboards and guitar Tommy Tedesco.

March 1st, has been the first anniversary of the death of Lucio Dalla, While the 4 March, the unforgettable singer had seventy years.
Several initiatives have been organized to pay tribute to the memory of Lucio Dalla.

Mar 152016

and conductor with the Orquestra de Cadaqués and the pianist Bertrand Chamayou


Gianandrea Noseda: Director of “Teatro Regio” Turin and the first guest conductor of the Philharmonic Orchestra of Israel, has been appointed Chief conductor of the year 2015 by the Musical America Awards.
He is also principal guest conductor of the Orquestra de Cadaqués superb, founded in 1988.

After a tribute to Spain with ORS, they devote to the Germanic tradition with the Fourth Symphony of Schumann, If majestic, and the volcanic 5th piano concerto by Beethoven, the famous Emperor.
This is Bertrand Chamayou, today in the firmament of the french pianists, who will face this partition indomitable and irresistible.


Opening of the ballet Hercules and Omphale

Concerto n ° 5, in e flat major, L ’ Emperor

Symphony No. 4, in d minor

End of concert estimated at 9:45 pm
concert with intermission

Book !
Such: 05 61 21 09 00


Mar 072016

“There must be a place where the heart has no more chains”. Happy birthday, Lucio Dalla! He dedicated a song to his birthday Lucio Dalla.

But even the 4 March of 2016, day on which Lucio Dalla He would have been 73 years, seems destined to go down in history thanks to tribute and to “gift shop” dedicated to the artist from his admirers . A tribute to a myth that will never die.
His disappearance has taken place, the 1 March of 2012



Feb 292016

The famous Italian composer, author of the themes of the good, the bad and the ugly, and it was a time in the West, or professional, has finally been sacred for the eight men of Quentin Tarantino soundtrack.

The Maestro, author of more than 500 music for films, including Le Bon, the bad and the ugly, Once upon a time in the West, or the Clan of the Sicilians, has received a standing ovation on the part of all the stars gathered at the Dolby Theatre. Tears in the eyes, He paid tribute to John Williams, who also competed for the music of Star Wars, as well as his friend Quentin Tarantino. An ample reward for those who had already received an honorary Oscar 2007 to reward all of his career.


Feb 292016

During the Oscar Awards be catalogued 2016, the award for best original soundtrack was assigned to the Italian composer Ennio Morricone for The Hateful Eight by Quentin Tarantino.La award ceremony was held at Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles on Sunday 28 February and that received by Morricone is his first Oscar. Morricone has 87 years and is the oldest person ever to win an Oscar for best soundtrack: was the favorite after winning this year also the Golden Globe and the BAFTA Award. The other candidates for the award were John Williams for Star Wars: the awakening of the force, Thomas Neuman for the soundtrack of the bridge of spies, Jóhann Jóhannsson for Hitman and Carter Burwell for Carol. At the time of the award ceremony, the entire audience of Dolby Theatre stood to applaud Morricone, He received the Oscar by producer and composer Quincy Jones morr

Feb 182016

fullafter 65 performances and more 30 000 spectators, the musical "Italians"., When the emigrants was we !», what they have created in 2011, has obtained international recognition by receiving Label QC-Europe (Queen Christine Europe).This label, is awarded by the Association Christine of Sweden, the European, businesses and groups who defend tolerance values, of living together, passion for knowledge... And as a happiness often never happens only, This same association comes to be a patron for a large European tour which, en 2017 and 2018, will bring this show in Stockholm, Vienna, Rome, Madrid, Porto, Warsaw...

But before... and as soon as this weekend, Toulouse will discover, see or review it "Italians"., When the emigrants was we !"since on an initiative of CRAN-MP (Representative Council are Associations Noires de Midi-Pyrénées), It will be proposed, Saturday night at the Mazades theatre.

Superb choral fresco which revisits

the Italian migration epic, "Italians"., When the emigrants was we !"is interpreted, under the direction of Rocco Femia, by twenty-five choristers, eight musicians who take over fifteen traditional songs and popular Italian and Bruno Putzulu, Narrator, who plays this great story.

In the background, videos, photos and images, testify to what, with 27 million migrants, remains to this day the largest exodus of people in modern history.

Saturday 20 February at 20 h 30, at the Mazades Theatre. Tariff : 8

Learn more about:

Dec 112015

The friendly Italian and the Mayor of BLAGNAC
Offer :
SANTY MASCIARO classical guitar concert
At St. Peter's Church


To the program:
Bach, Paganini, Giuliani, Mozart, Albéniz, Tàrrega…

It is in Syracuse that I discovered my passion for the classical guitar at the age of nine. After graduation my classical guitar 19 years I roamed Europe for giving concerts. Then I lived and taught 10 years in Germany where I was including Director artistic Musical Association. It was not until June 2012 that I decided to come to Toulouse, with my family, to make my very particular and personal project bringing my passions: music and Italian cuisine: the musical restaurant "Openness".


Oct 302015

You will find the “absolute Diva” Saturday 14 November at 8 pm at the Halle des Grains de Toulouse.
It is strongly recommended to book

Cecilia Bartoli, the absolute Tsarina, benefactor of baroque singing

The diva assoluta ours, and to say the least, It is in great shape. Those who already know the content of the recital which refers in part to the latest released CD will tell you it's same great shape, with always, purity in the line and lack of hardness in the acute extreme, What could worry about a time. Captivating from beginning to end, the stamp is always as catchy, the meaning of as exceptional shades - much imitated, never equaled -, vocalizations emitted a little less in the Kalashnikov AK-12 style, and, icing on the cake, a permanent attachment, almost visceral to what may be called the good say, a rare commodity, and even absent in some singer(and)yet deemed s. – See more at: