Mar 262015

On the occasion of the national release of the film, the Association “Cinema Paradiso” is pleased to offer you a special evening at the ABC

Wednesday 8 April 2015 : “LEOPARDI, It giovane favoloso”, by Mario Martone, 2h17 Vost

The screening of the film will be preceded at 7.45 pm glass of friendship and to
20a projection/debate moderated by Cristina Noa H30CCO, Lecturer at the University of Toulouse - Le Mirail

(On-site at the Abc cinema bookings recommended starting April 1st)

All the details on the site :

or the facebook page: pages/Festival-du-film-Italian-Toulouse/109422012438448


With Elio Germano



To learn more :

Child prodigy, Giacomo Leopardi grew up in a library, under the tutelage of an uncompromising father. His mind wanders, but it feels locked up within the walls of his house, as in a prison. Because for this avid reader, the world seems out of reach, far from home... While Europe is crossed by upheavals and revolutions, Giacomo is increasingly attracted to the outside world. At the age of 24 years, He left Recanati to attending high society which opened its doors. But this rebellious spirit finds its place nowhere. In Florence, He leads a life of Bohemian with its Neapolitan friend Antonio Ranieri, until the two men fall in love with the same woman, the lovely Fanny. He eventually settled in Naples with Ranieri, where he is faced with the miserable living conditions of the working class. When a cholera epidemic expresses, Giacomo and Antonio complete their long journey, to enter a property nestled in the countryside, at the foot of Vesuvius.
The opinion of the ABC cinema:
This film is a rare and powerful beauty, as the poetry of Leopardi itself. Elio Germani which it knows the talent (My brother is an only child, Nostra vita) inhabits his character's admirably. Not to be missed under any circumstances !

"At odds with the balmy biopics., immersed in formalin, This beautiful portrait escapes the academicism to enrol instead in a romantic tradition that eyeing on the side of Visconti. » The world

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