Feb 252016


de ch
Hosted by Bernadette DE PASCALE-DALMAS, Speaker Italian.

Thursday 3 March 2016, at 6 p.m. the Town Hall Auditorium 31700 BLAGNAC. Free entry

The friendly Franco – Italian

Site: http://amicalefrancoitalienne31700.blogspot.fr/

Giorgio De Chirico (1888-1978) was an Italian sculptor and painter, considered one of the founders of the metaphysical painting. This Italian artistic movement, founded in 1916 by Carlo Carrà and Giorgio de Chirico, in Ferrara, seeks to represent what there is beyond the physical appearance of the reality, beyond the experience of the senses. Chirico is one of the masters who revolutionized modern art by developing new codes linguistic and Visual. His paintings are immersed in a magical atmosphere, enigmatic and dreamlike. The painter lived, between 1911 and 1915 to Paris where his metaphysical style attracted Apollinaire and Picasso and he inspired the surrealist avant-garde painters such as: Magritte, Dalí and Picabia.

FRIENDLY ITALIAN 05 61 59 51 63 –
Email bdepascale@free.fr

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