Apr 152016

Forom of languages


Forom of the languages of the world : the edition 2016

The Forom of the languages of the world was born in Toulouse, en 1992, the will of the Carrefour Culturel Arnaud-Bernard.

It is, in the world, the first Festival of languages to put in practice as in theory cultural equality of all languages of the world : more dialects, more patois, more than “small” opposite languages to of “large”, more linguistic nonsense dictated by the policy. Thus ruining the ideological foundations of all nationalism, ethnocentrism, or racism ; and thereby contributing even to build this radical philosophy of cultural plurality which is, as wrote Félix Castan, “the only message that can be accepted and taken up by all cultures of the world”.

He returned to the Occitan literature to have forged this message, in hiding.

At the France now hoist the banner, and to make a policy, inside and outside its borders : She can never find more great, of more generous.

Claude Sicre


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