Film italien à l’ABC; Oriana Fallaci, Marco Turco


From Wednesday 5 August.

fallacinOriana Fallaci tells the life time of this Italian journalist out of standard, Dolce Vita in the 11 September through the Viet Nam, the Greece of the colonels or the Iran of Khomeini. Oriana Fallaci is sassy, funny and sometimes brutal. She revolutionized journalism, criss-crossed the planet and- all met and shoved all those who make history.

Oriana Fallaci was the first woman sent special in the world of Italian journalism, It owes its reputation to its great interviews, its literary prizes and the tone of his interviews ; It was far from the politically correct rampant today. Henry Kissinger avait dit à son propos après leur entretien qu’il s’agissait de « ”la conversation la plus désastreuse jamais eue avec un journaliste” ».

« ”Tout ce que je suis, everything I understood politically, I am and have understood this during the Resistance. Elle m’est tombée dessus comme la Pentecôte sur les apôtres.”»

Oriana Fallaci

Born in 1929 in a popular family where one has the 'vice of reading '., it committed during the second world war in the Resistance alongside his militant father anti-fascist and joined the Group Giustizia e Libertà, to 14 years. It was during this period that Oriana Fallaci was exposed for the first time to the atrocities of war.

Le film fait l’impasse sur la publication du livre La Rabbia e l’orgoglio, written in response to the attacks of 11 September, enamelled controversy for the meprisan comments