Apr 152016

Forom of languages


Forom of the languages of the world : the edition 2016

The Forom of the languages of the world was born in Toulouse, en 1992, the will of the Carrefour Culturel Arnaud-Bernard.

It is, in the world, the first Festival of languages to put in practice as in theory cultural equality of all languages of the world : more dialects, more patois, more than “small” opposite languages to of “large”, more linguistic nonsense dictated by the policy. Thus ruining the ideological foundations of all nationalism, ethnocentrism, or racism ; and thereby contributing even to build this radical philosophy of cultural plurality which is, as wrote Félix Castan, “the only message that can be accepted and taken up by all cultures of the world”.

He returned to the Occitan literature to have forged this message, in hiding.

At the France now hoist the banner, and to make a policy, inside and outside its borders : She can never find more great, of more generous.

Claude Sicre


Mar 092016

Show of stories and song
' love story of an Italian worker’

Friday 29 April white dog Theatre – 26 Rue General Compans- 31500 Toulouse

RADIO LA VIDEO en cliquant sur l'onglet CULTURE then TOPIC / Videos: Video Theater

AngiOlina NerOliva is a journey narrated and sung from one end to the other of postwar Italy; a tale of love and society very much appreciated by the public from various countries


1° Caramia Antonio


Olive fotoOlive photo 2

Olive photo 3


From South to North, campaign in the city,

fields of olives at the factory, Sunset in fog,
AngiOlina NerOliva
tries to escape his fate
already drawn south of the Italy women's.

Under the strict supervision of his brothers
and under the benevolent eye of the “Nonna Concetta”,
his grandmother,
She will meet with the world and abuse of power,
love and deception
Will it be love winner ? Mystery and ball of... gnocchi !

A journey told and Sung
from one end to another of the post-war Italy…

with Debora Di Gilio and Tiziana Valentini

Feb 222016



Dates of the two meetings of the month of March 2016 :

*Wednesday 09/03/16 from 18:30 to 20:00
*Friday 18/03/16 from 18:30 to 20:00

Venue : the Golden Cockerel, 58 Boulevard Carnot

How does the conversation club?

The frequency of the meetings is Wednesday and Friday in the month.

The conversation club is open to all members, but we will not exceed the number of 12 participants.

Reservation required by email to the secretariat.

The activity is offered by the association but consumption at the bar is mandatory and pay as well as the presentation of the card of accession of the Italy in Toulouse.

A theme will be addressed if we have more ideas.

Then to soon,


Feb 112016

ebeboEboli is known worldwide thanks to the title of the famous book by Carlo Levi "Christ stopped at Eboli", published by Einaudi in 1945. For this reason the bond between the city and the author of Turin has always been very profound.
Levi visited Eboli, that gave fame, only in the years ' 70, during a visit in disguise.
In 1972 the City Council conferred honorary citizenship.
In December 1974 donated to the municipality a workbook 7 lithographs inspired by Christ stopped at Eboli, published by Esposito of Turin and preserved in the town of Eboli.
In January 1975, Carlo Levi's body stopped at Eboli, in Piazza della Repubblica, during the trip to Aliano, where the artist was buried.
They are named after Carlo Levi the art school and a square.
In 2012 è stato istituito it Concorso artistico letterario “Carlo Levi”. It Concorso e organizzato dall'Associazione “Lauren G” e patrocinato dal Comune di Eboli.

Friday 19 February from 3 pm to 4: 30 p.m., at the headquarters of the Association,35 TER rue Gabriel Peri

Free entry. Activity reserved for members / RESERVATION REQUIRED

Jan 292016


Dates of the two meetings for the month of February 2016 :

*Wednesday 10/02/16 from 18:30 to 20:00
*Friday 19/02/16 from 18:30 to 20:00

Venue : the Golden Cockerel, 58 Boulevard Carnot

How does the conversation club?

The frequency of the meetings is Wednesday and Friday in the month.

The conversation club is open to all members, but we will not exceed the number of 12 participants.

Reservation required by email to the secretariat.

The activity is offered by the association but consumption at the bar is mandatory and pay as well as the presentation of the card of accession of the Italy in Toulouse.

A theme will be addressed if we have more ideas.

Then to soon,
