Jan 192016

Maybe you talk about or maybe not, but certainly lent words and expressions to your vocabulary and know several people who use it at will. Yes, I refer to the dialect, one of the many riches of the Italian language by which the 17 January is celebrated as the national day. Linguaenauti took the opportunity and, simplifying simplifying, has put together some interesting facts on the dialects of the boot.


We start with some data: the latest Istat report on the use of dialect was published in late 2014 (data collected in 2012). The 53,1% the champion between the 18 and the 74 years speaks Italian in family, While the prevalent use of dialect covers the 9% of the population (the percentages go down with friends and crumble with strangers). Women show a greater tendency to speak in Italian family (55,2% against the 51% of men) and with friends (60,9% against the 51,7% of men). Overuse or exclusively by the Italian family is more prevalent in the Centre and in the North West (69,5%) compared to 38,8% residents in the Northeast, South and Islands.
Dispelling any belief

The idea is still widespread dialects are a "corruption" of the Italian, but it is not so: are the normal evolution of the language spoken locally, that comes mainly from Latin (but also from German dialects in the North and from the Greek and Albanian in the South) with the influence of preceding languages (the substrates) or you arrive later with military conquests, migratory movements, and so on. The Italian standard has evolved from toscano. Why toscano? Simply said: Thanks to the prestige and success of vernacular authors such as Dante, Boccaccio and Petrarch (as we know, even the milanese Manzoni went to rinse the cloths in Arno centuries later). After the unification of Italy this mainly literary language spoken by a small percentage of the population became widespread thanks to compulsory education and, especially, on television. In short, think: If Jacopone da Todi had had more luck today much more Italian would resonate in the peninsula!

Languages or dialects?

The controversy over the definition of language and dialect is long and winding and in Italy becomes particularly complicated for the wide variety of patois, some with a long literary tradition or politics. The Italian Government officially recognizes as the Sardinian languages, Friulian and Ladin, While UNESCO also recognizes the Neapolitan and Sicilian. The debate between cultural heritage and the normal development of languages is still long.

Which dialects are spoken in Italy?
It is very difficult to draw sharp boundaries for Italian dialects, Since the variety is so wide as to not allow the identification of large bundles of isoglosses, or geographical areas sharing the same morphological traits, phonetic or lexical. Said more simply, in neighbouring villages also have Italy dialects with very marked differences.

francescopetrarca_250x286However it is possible to identify the main areas according to certain characteristics that can group a number of dialects, I would just like to point out just a few phonetic that surely you will recognize. The first is the La Spezia-Rimini line and delimits the Northern dialects, with the weakening of the intervocalic consonants (for example the simplifications of double), the unstressed final vowels fall except the a and assibilazione, or conversion into s, of palatal consonants such as c. In short, good old gióso de vin (where "drop" of course is a metonymy for "full glass"!).

dante_alighieri_2The Rome-Ancona line separates Tuscany from the macro-area Center- Southern, ranging from Lazio, Umbria and the marches up to the Northern Apulia and Calabria. As we said, Dal toscano derives the Italian standard, but the differences are there and how. The engaged in so-called gorgia toscana, that is the aspiration of k, t, p (Billy is in phratho). The South Central instead is characterized by indistinct final vowel ə (how much is bellə!), for PA application of the nasal stops after, as tooth > Dende and affrication of s (a lovely).

canzoniereExtreme southern dialects range from Salento to Central-Southern Calabria to Sicily and also in this case the common traits are many and interesting, as the distinction between o and u Latina finals (focu meu! is the "Oh my God"! of southern Calabria) or sound cacuminali sayings, Curiously also present in Indian languages and Scandinavia: the affectionate appellation bedda mia has just that sound sound retroflex Occlusive.

Jan 192016


The Italian will no longer be discriminated against in competitions of the European Union institutions ' personnel selection. After a long legal battle and a series of appeals brought from Italy – who made common front with Spain – starting from next spring will no longer English, French and German to get her Masters.

The news comes with Eu Commission Vice President Kristalina Georgieva's answer to a question tabled by the European Parliament Vice-President Antonio Tajani together with his colleague Ramon Luis Valcarcel after the judgments of the European Court of Justice which had proved right in Italy and Spain on discrimination of national languages.

"The Commission believes that it is possible to improve certain elements of existing general rules on the use of languages in the competitions managed by Epso (European personnel selection Office) in the light of the judgments», said Georgieva, Recalling that "in this context, Epso is currently reviewing General provisions concerning competitions».

«Battle won, the Italian language will no longer be discriminated against in the EU ', said Tajani, After responding to Gale that, for its part, has ensured that "Epso will work to ensure full respect for the principle of non-discrimination that proper operation and corrected the EU administration in the presence of 24 official languages».

By judgment of 24 last September, the Court of Justice annulled three competitions organised by Epso because of the fact that the language had been reduced to the German-English-French and was also imposed on the candidates to choose the second language within the same pink. And the 17 December the Eu Court annulled with three decisions a number of invitations to tender Epso for having discriminated against the Italian language.

Since 2011 the European personnel selection Office had begun to adapt and to publish some invitations to tender and the pre-selection tests in all EU official languages. But now there will be new rules apply always and for everyone. And the time is short: the European personnel selection Office, explained Georgieva, «intends to publish the revised selection process in the spring of 2016».


Dec 112015

Cycle of conferences hosted by Bernadette DE PASCALE-DALMAS


Invites you to a cycle of conferences on THE ITALIAN PAINTERS

Hosted by Bernadette DE PASCALE-DALMAS

INFORMATION 05 61 59 51 63 – Email bdepascale@free.fr Free entry








Dates 2016 – Thursdays, at 6 p.m.

7 January FLORENCE, POLLAIOLO and his workshop

4 February FLORENCE, VERROCCHIO and his workshop


7 Avril LEONARDO or the dream of Icarus


The Town Hall Auditorium

Place J-Louis Puig


Oct 302015



27 October 2015 Datta G
The history of the Paladins of France will not go more in the "puppet theatre" of Acireale. An important part of the Opera dei Pupi, recognized in 2001 oral and material heritage by Unesco, is over, In fact, up for auction. By the time the Auditorium remains empty and so Vincenzo Abbate, theatrical entrepreneur, heir and historical memory of the old "Teatro D M di Acireale", decided to auction more than 100 Sicilian puppets. Angelica, the Sultan Suleiman, Armida, Godfrey of Bouillon and the Aladdin King, The devil and the sorceress. And then Knights and soldiers the Saracens, the servants and the bridesmaids. All valuable historical pieces of Acireale who, with approximately 330 large billboards depicting scenes of the Chanson de Roland, are sold at auction since last 20 October by Galleria Pananti Casa d'aste Pananti in Florence .

Oct 132015

Thursday 8 Octobre à 12:30 au CRL – Université Jean-Jaurès:

barbato_nInvitée par le festival du Sud Whodunnits, Elle présentera son dernier ouvrage : “A bare hands, ( Bare Hands)

L'auteur espagnol, Victor Del Arbol, présentera son dernier roman également
La Tristeza del Samurái, (La tristesse du Samurai ) .


David Baez. Baby eyes, adult body, strong and alive as he was only sixteen years old. In front of him, invisible among a crowd of people dancing and drinking, an elderly man, tired and dangerous, the notes. And choose. The boy is kidnapped, thrown into a truck by force and forced to fight with bare hands against a stranger. Is its entry into the world of illegal fights to the death: or kill or be killed. Earlier David cries, protest, rebels: raised in a hushed and reassuring daily life, don't know what violence. But his body knows the instinct, and wins the first meetings. The man, her captor, can see in him the potential of a fighter unlike any other, and maybe even more, a sort of heir to transmit his knowledge, his values and his personal moral laws. Help him survive in an inhuman world, teach him that imprisonment, the abuses, murder and death can become acceptable, a new "normality". After 1442 days, a hundred murders behind and lost all inhibitions or morals, by David Baez won't be nothing left and from its ashes will be born Batiza, the fiercest assassins.

The second novel by Paola Barbato is education to violence of a modern Gladiator in a hell populated by sadists with white collar. Is the story of a living nightmare that engulfed every year dozens of people — at the bar, in front of schools, Metro — and devours forever, body and soul.”