Jul 192016

una terra ricca di storia e cultura, un ambiente naturale che offre scenari diversi e speciali. Tutta la Sicilia è un mondo da scoprire: si va da San Vito lo Capo a Mondello, dal catanese all’agrigentino. Per non parlare dei suoi arcipelaghi altrettanto meravigliosi !





May 092016


On the anniversary of the death of Aldo Moro and Peppino Impastato, Memorial Day is celebrated today in Italy dedicated to the victims of terrorism and massacres that array: http://www.treccani.it/encyclopedia/terrorism/

9 May, in 1950 – Robert Schuman presents the Schuman Declaration, conceived by Jean Monnet that will lead to the ECSC Treaty. This statement marks the beginning of the process of European integration, so this day is officially celebrated as Europe day.

“The 9 May is a date which is often not given the weight it deserves, anniversary of one of the nastiest in the history of our country, a date that speaks of terror, of violence, but also of struggle.

The 9 May 1978 were murdered Peppino Impastato and Aldo Moro.

Peppino Impastato was a young Sicilian born and raised in the province of Palermo. Young activist, poet and journalist was born into a Mafia family. This did not stop his fight, in fact, broke with his father at an early age and devoted himself entirely to a politico-cultural Antimafia activities.

About 60-70 ' mob ' in a small Sicilian village took extreme courage and determination. Peppino led extreme fights to defend the unemployed people in the ranks of the PCI and denounced clamouring expropriations made against farmers from the province of Cinisi, due to the construction of a third runway at Palermo. He founded a club called "music and culture" with the aim of promoting and proliferating mostly cultural activities in the area. Multiple times within this circle supported the fundamental importance which had at that time the airplay, especially for the political struggle.
He believed that this was an extremely important for the dissemination of thoughts and news, that the counter created a way of spreading the plurality and sources critical to the development of an intimate and collective consciousness. For this in the 1977 He founded Radio Aut, a radio station that broadcast from Cinisi Terrasini, completely self-financed. The aim was to promote, Antimafia voice and spread the culture at a time and in a place where this hinterland was absolutely absent. On the one hand some State leaders argued that the mafia does not exist, on the other hand, the popular culture of the time saw the fight against the mafia as inconceivable, because the latter was rooted in time, You can defeat was a hypothesis altogether remote and still considered not profitable. In this climate of fear, terror and disinformation Peppino Impastato did boom his voice.

National news served as starting points for investigations and criticism on the work of Andreotti, on terrorism of the years of lead, on the various relationships between the State and the mafia, and also on the historic compromise, throwing always a watchful eye on conditions and social laws. There was also a space devoted to news workers, where these were the conditions of workers in the factories, the strikes, the mistreatment and deaths at work. Kneaded and all who worked with him closely, risking their lives for this project, used then a very large part of mobsters to report crimes Radio Aut boss Gaetano Badalamenti, one of the major exponent of drug trafficking for the period.
Peppino was that kind of hero who was not afraid to touch the danger just to tell the truth. With intelligence, wit and profound irony scoffed at the mafia, dubbed, like all, but not bowing to her:

“You know who else lives here? Ah, u zu Tanu there lives here! Hundred steps are there from our House, Cento passi! Live in the same street, get the same coffee bar, at the end you feel like you! And instead they are the masters of Cinisi! And my father, Luigi Impastato, licks his ass like everybody else! It is not old, It's just a mobster, one of the many! My father, my family, my country! I want to give a fuck! I want to write that the mafia is a pile of shit! I want to scream that my father is a brownnoser! We must rebel. Before it's too late! Before you get used to their faces! Before not to notice more than anything!”

In 1978 Peppino ran in municipal elections on the lists of proletarian democracy. He was assassinated on the night between 8 and 9 May 1978, During his election campaign. Peppino was torn apart on the railroad tracks. They were deposited on the Rails, Dazed, They stuffed him of TNT and blew. A few days later, during the course of the voting, the inhabitants of Cinisi elected him anyway symbolically in the Municipal Council.
The media of the time gave particular emphasis to the death of Peppino, because that morning were disrupted by a national mourning: the discovery of the corpse of Aldo Moro.

Were the Red Brigades, 55 days before the murder, to kidnap the President of the National Council of Christian democracy. On the morning of 16 March 1978, the day on which the new Government is prepared to be presented in Parliament Andreotti to gain trust, Moro's car was hit by an attack of BR, who killed the police escort and the seized.
The BR "they tried" Moro during his captivity calling himself "the people's Court" and demanded as ransom for the release of the President of the DC the release of certain prisoners in Italy.

The trial of Moro wanted, How often and erroneously believed, view the opposition to the historical compromise between the PCI and the DC that was taking place in those years, in fact the BR saw the PCI as an enemy to be fought and the DC as a maximum in the capitalist system that was slowly supporters hiding out more and more to say. The purpose of the Red Brigades was to rebuild a Italian left with their own apparatus as time at the prospect of a clash for the revolutionary struggle against capitalism.

During his captivity Moro wrote well 86 letters addressed to the family, with representatives of DC and the Government will the Pope. In these he tried to open a negotiation for his release. Many arrived at destination, others were found in the Hideout when it was discovered, After his death.

We now believe the final moment ... It remains only to recognize that you were right ... wants to remain evident the full responsibility of the DC with his absurd and unbelievable comportamento...si must refuse any medal ... There is now an infinite tenderness for you ... in my recollection live together ... I understand with my small mortal eyes as you will see later. If there was light would be beautiful.

Much has been said about these letters: Some argue that Brown did not have freedom of speech and that therefore these writings were either dictated or controlled directly by Red Brigade members. His wife however argued loudly, especially during the seizure, that one of the letters was the style and way of being of her husband and that's why they considered authentic.

During the last month and a half of imprisonment the policy split into factions over the issue Moro. The then Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti and the Interior Minister Francesco Cossiga (both members of the party Brown) refused any negotiation, instead exponents like Craxi and Pannella tried repeatedly to open a front in Parliament to reach a compromise with terrorists. Strong was the intervention of Pope Paul VI, a close friend of Aldo, He "begged on his knees" that he should be freed.

Regarding our proposal for an exchange of political prisoners to be suspended sentencing and Aldo Moro, all we have to do is register the clear rejection of DC. We conclude the battle started on 16 March, making the judgment that Aldo Moro was sentenced.

These were the words of Red Brigade members, in fact that 9 May the body of Moro, killed at the hands of Mario Moretti, was ordered to find in Rome, inside a red car.

That day we lost so much. The 9 May was an attack on freedom at the hands of two different forces but beastly and terrifying in equal measure. He died Aldo Moro, due to the villainy of a sick system and terrorism, for liberty sole that has each of us playing politics.

He passed away the voice of Peppino Impastato, a man who died fighting a cancer that afflicts too many years our country, for the right to speak and to protest against injustice. The hope was that silence could occur WiseGuys, because as Peppino tanti were killed by mafia, the truth is that ever since that day the voice of them all comes out of our mouths.”

Margaret Vitali



May 032016


On Saturday 7 may and Saturday 11 June you can visit Villa Rosebery.
Within the framework of the initiatives relating to the opening to the public of immovable object of the allocation of the Presidency of the Republic, President Mattarella decided to make possible the visit of Villa Rosebery, located on the Hill of Posillipo in Naples.
Until now, the visit of the Villa was only possible in “FAI spring days”.
From the beginning of 800, Villa Rosebery had numerous owners including Louis de Bourbon, brother of King Ferdinando II. In 1897 It was acquired by the English statesman Archibald Primrose, Earl of Rosebery; ceded later Italian State, the property was made available for principi di Piemonte.
King Victor Emmanuel III resided there for two years until 1946 When, After the abdication, He went into exile in Alexandria, Egypt from the villa Marina.
From 1957 Villa Rosebery becomes part of the allocation of the Presidency of the Republic which provided the conservative restoration of the attractions

Apr 142016


The artwork found in 2014 in the attic of a house in the region of Toulouse is well signed from the Italian painter Caravaggio, has announced the expert in charge of its authentication.

Table discovered in Toulouse "shows Judith.", great Biblical heroine, widow of the town of Bethulia, who has agreed to join the tent of Holofernes, General of Nebuchadnezzar, who besieged the city., has indicated the turquin creates cabinet of expertise to AFP.

Apr 072016



Who cares about art, history and culture will excite you like never before. Who thinks he knows perfectly Roman basilicas Saint Peter and you'll have to change my mind. Anyone who believes you've seen everything about new technologies will have to remain open-mouthed. Because the one created by Sky 3D and from the Vatican Television Center (with Nexo's Digital distribution) is outstanding film production, that goes beyond any other documentary or art film created to date.

A film tour with points of view unpublished shots ever made before.
San Pietro, St John Lateran, Santa Maria Maggiore, San Paolo Fuori le Mura and the works of art that hold, narrated by Antonio Paolucci, Paolo Portoghesi, Claudio Strinati and Micol Forti
and introduced by Stendhal's Roman Walks ' songs played by Adriano Giannini.

An extraordinary production made unique by the experience amazing and unprecedented involvement of 3D
created by Sky 3D and the Vatican Television Center and distributed by Nexo Digital

"Nothing in the world can be compared within Saint Peter" Stendhal

After the success of Vatican Museums 3D and 3D and the Uffizi in Florence, arrive at the cinema St. Peter and papal Basilicas of Rome 3D, the new 3D film production signed Sky, along with the Vatican Television Center and in collaboration with Nexo Digital, Magnitude movies and Sky Arts HD, on a journey through the four papal Basilicas of Rome and their treasures: San Pietro (one of the 25 most visited by travellers from around the world), St John Lateran, Santa Maria Maggiore and San Paolo Fuori le Mura. Four Majestic buildings – each with a precious altar papale, treasure trove of timeless works of art, half centuries by millions of travellers and pilgrims alike – become stars of the new film tour which was recognized as cultural interest movies from the Ministry of cultural heritage and tourism – Directorate General Cinema and which will be released in cinemas in the world by Nexo Digital.
The opportunity that led to the creation of St. Peter and papal Basilicas of Rome 3D, that will be in the Italian cinema only for 3 days from 11 to 13 April, is the extraordinary Jubilee of mercy called by Pope Francesco. The common thread of narrative, that winds from the early Christian basilica on which St. Peter was built up to the grandeur of the Baroque through the precious works of medieval and Renaissance art, is offered by some tracks from "Passeggiate Romane" by Stendhal (1783-1842), the famous French writer who in the early nineteenth century visited the four churches during his Grand Tour of Italy. Stendhal's songs were played in the film by Adriano Giannini, preparing emotionally the Viewer to come into contact with the artistic world of the four impressive buildings through the eyes of this cultured traveler to early ' 800.
In the course of 90 minutes of St. Peter and papal Basilicas of Rome 3D will be four experts who will talk about the basilicas and works that are preserved: Antonio Paolucci, Director of the Vatican museums, We will drive inside of St. Peter; Paolo Portoghesi, internationally renowned architect, propose a keen insight into St John Lateran; Claudio Strinati, noted art historian, will reveal the history and legends of Santa Maria Maggiore; Micol Forti, contemporary art collection of the Vatican Museums Director, will viewers St Paul outside the walls. Within exclusive places of the Vatican (octagons of the Fabbrica di San Pietro, the Salone Sistino of the Vatican Library and the Ducal Hall of the Vatican Apostolic Palace), experts, each according to his own point of view, will describe the basilicas in an original and engaging: their evolution over the centuries, the most famous works of art, the lives and stories of popes and artists from Giotto to Bramante, from Michelangelo to Francesco Borromini, by Gian Lorenzo Bernini to Domenico Fontana, by Arnolfo di Cambio to Jacopo Torriti- the events that have made these places immortals and the profound spirituality emanating.
Thanks to powerful technical means, in use in the most advanced productions, amazing images were created, exclusive and original viewpoints taken by, made possible thanks to the use of helicopters and parallel grippers. To complete this extraordinary Visual system there will be the power of 3D, able to "dip" the Viewer, placing it center stage and in direct contact with the works.