Feb 222016

eco2Great Italian intellectual, the writer Umberto Eco, died on the night of Friday to Saturday at the age of 84 years, was an academic, linguist and philosopher who rose to global fame with a medieval and erudite thriller, The name of the rose .
This philosopher by training, celebrated on the later while approaching fifties, has managed a masterstroke with his first novel published in 1980, The name of the rose has sold several million copies and has been translated into 43 languages. It has been adapted for the cinema in 1986 by the French Jean-Jacques Annaud with Sean Connery in the role of Brother William of Baskerville, the ex-inquisiteur to investigate the death suspicious of a monk in an Abbey of the Italy North. Peppered with latin, the polar of this renowned with the affable roundness semiologist was even the target of pirate editions, including in Arabic under the title sex at the convent… Another consequence, significant for the Italian edition, “The name of the rose revived the novel in Italy and Italian literature abroad. The Italian authors have again been translated”, says critic and Italian novelist Alain Elkann.
After the name of the rose, He particularly offered its readers Foucault's pendulum (1988), The island of the day from front (1994) and the mysterious flame of Queen Loana (2004).

His latest novel, Number zero, published in 2014 is a contemporary thriller centered on the world of the press. He is also the author of dozens of trials involving also eclectic than medieval aesthetics, the poetics of Joyce, vegetable memory, James Bond, the art of the fake, the history of beauty or that of ugliness.
“Beauty lies within certain limits while the ugly is infinite, therefore more complex, more varied, more fun”, He explained in an interview in 2007, adding that he had “always had affection for monsters”. Claiming “write for fun”, It Professore – malicious eyes behind glasses and a white beard – was also a bibliophile and possessed more than 30 000 titles including rare editions. “Eco was a first class, very intelligent, very erudite. He played brilliantly the figure of the European intellectual. He is also comfortable in Paris and Berlin to New York or Rio”, considers Alain Elkann.

Iconic quotes by Umberto Eco:

  • "The weaknesses of the wicked are the same as those of the saints."
  • "Lets talk about your heart, queries the faces, don't listen to languages…”
  • "If God exists, It's a library."
  • "TV makes intelligent people who do not have access to culture and abrutit those who believe themselves cultivated."
  • "Science is not only whether to be or may be, but also to know what could be done when well even should not do so."
  • "The themes of the tragedy are universal, While those comedy are more rooted in the cultures."
  • "There are four ideal types : the moron, the fool, the crazy and the stupid. The normal, It is the balanced blend of four."
Feb 222016


Had 84 years. AND’ was philosopher, semiologist and a great expert of communication. He never lost the desire to observe the policy. He had just launched a new publishing house “The ship of Theseus”, After refusing to stay in what he called “The Mondazzoli”, the fusion Mondadori-Rcs. AND’ was also time collaborator of La Repubblica and L'Espresso
The world loses one of its most important cultural figures contemporaries and all of us will miss his insight into the world. Had 84 years, It was writer, philosopher, great observer and expert on communication and media. The confirmation of the death of the author “The name of the rose” and de “Foucault's pendulum” was given by the family in the Republic.

The death occurred at 22.30 last night at his home.


Feb 122016

A large and beautiful book to its second draw…



Interviews with the main players, actresses and Italian directors, conducted by journalists who are not only specialists in Italian cinema, but true "feathers"., reporters, writers, Essayists, that have marked the major pages of Italian and international of the period journalism : Oriana Fallaci, Alberto Moravia, Oreste Del Buono, Claudio Carabba or Lietta Tornabuoni.
A collaboration with the publishing house Rizzoli/Corriere della will be.
The first book talk :
«Neorealism"with, among others, Roberto Rossellini, Giuseppe De Santis, Luchino Visconti, or Toto and Anna Magnani.
«The Italy of the boom», Autour by Federico Fellini and Marcello Mastroianni, Giulietta Masina and Claudia Cardinale or Sophia Loren, the comedy with Dino Risi and Mario Monicelli and the beginnings of political film by Francesco Rosi.
«The Italy of conflict"and an iconic actor, Gian Maria volonté, but as directors such as Pier Paolo Pasolini, Marco Ferreri and Elio Petri, Michelangelo Antonioni or the young Marco Bellocchio.
Soon pending the second volume dedicated to contemporary cinema (working on the drafting of RADICI), I recommend this first part in order not to lose this duo unpublished editorial with an iconography of exception.

Feb 122016

Publishing House: RADICI EDITALIE/new book edited by Gualtiero Bertelli


Un livre riche de 300 songs and enriched this time of partitions. An important book which for many will wake up personal or family memories that, for others, will be new discoveries source.

After the success of the book, “This Italy that sings me”, the publishing house, RADICI EDITALIE decided to produce a new volume of songs, more ambitious. To direct, they have appealed to one of the greatest Italian experts of popular and traditional singing, many of you know already : Gualtiero Bertelli ! It is to him that we must, Indeed, the setting of the show which is currently experiencing a great success: “Italian when the emigrants was we”. A book rich of more than 300 songs and enriched this time of partitions. An important book which for many will wake up personal or family memories that, for others, will be new discoveries source.
528 pages (287 songs with partitions) 25 € + 5 € shipping costs
10, Rue Elliott- 31000 Toulouse
Tel : 05 62 17 50 37




Jan 152016

livrenBy Riccardo Borghesi :
” The portrait of the 'eternal city' in fascinating Suburra, is so extreme, mid way between Grozny during the war for Chechnya and Medellin in beautiful times of Pablo Escobar, or, If you prefer, mid way between Sodom and Gomorrah, that might seem a pure fiction.

But unfortunately it is not a fiction. The two authors, Giancarlo de Cataldo (Police judge and author of best sellers, including the very well known "Romanzo criminale".) and Carlo Bonini (journalist for the "Repubblica".) were deeply inspired the reality and inextricable skein which connects circles of crime, Affairs and policy, in the shadow of the Palace of power and the cupola of Saint Peter.

The story it tells here, is the ideal suite of "Romanzo Criminale".. It is the story of how the banditry of the last century has managed to survive, to reinvent itself and to take possession of Rome in the new context of the globalization of crime, the berlusconisme and the decline of the Catholic Church.

Talking about corrupt politicians, large property speculation, micro and macro banditry, drug, prostitution, violence extreme and free, regulations of accounts, massacres, high clergy corrupt and inhuman, Police bastards and sold, mafias from all sides and provenances. But also from men of idealistic acts of great moral rigor, and poor human wrecks, crushed by this corrupt system.

The story revolves around a huge real estate speculation, in the period preceding the collapse of the berlusconien regime, but the spine of the novel is a duel. A duel between a 'bad master' and his pupil betrayed and wounded in his deepest feelings. The first was far-right ideologue, fascist revolutionary and "surhommiste"., which, gone are the days of ideologies, will become, passing through the 'Banda della Magliana., the most influential bandit of the capital.

The second was his favorite pupil, pure in his ideals and his faith (EH Yes, in Rome existed as pure and idealistic fascist!) which, Once betrayed by the criminal path of the master, will become the most seasoned policeman on duty in Rome. Master and pupil engage battle until the last page.

Some things of the novel have not convinced me. I'm talking about excessive and caricatural characters, as the pugnacious Alice, so pure and ingenuous that it becomes unbearable. Or the use of some of the more mundane topos of the detective novel in Italian: the love between opposites, dedicated to the sinking by misunderstanding; characters who tell the pieces of music they are listening (unbearable!); the hackers use to search via the internet on the servers of the wicked; the young and good police officer of Friuli, naive and integrated. Worthy of a student's first year of school of screenwriter ingenuities.

Whatever it is, and despite this, the novel is leading and taking, We read of a single milking. It is epic, rich in stories more appalling than the other one, full of worthy of the adventures of Spiderman super-mechants. The reader who does not know Rome and its recent history, could remain amazed.

PS 1: the release of the novel follows two months of its film adaptation. I have to say that, even if De Cataldo has participated in the writing of the scenario, the book is extremely rich and interesting. In the film the police disappears leaving the city completely in the hands of the bandits; the role of the Vatican becomes erased, even if it is the motor business and corruption. Also disappears the duel, that is the heart of the novel.

PS 2: for those who would like to better understand what is meant by revolutionary fascist ideology, and how it is possible to feel pure while adoring the Duce, I advise reading the beautiful novel of Antonio Pennacchi, "He Fasciocomunista". ("My brother is only son.", It is the unfortunate title of the French translation), which recounts the extreme right to extreme left ideology war in Rome of the seventies. “
Riccardo Borghesi

Oct 132015

Thursday 8 Octobre à 12:30 au CRL – Université Jean-Jaurès:

barbato_nInvitée par le festival du Sud Whodunnits, Elle présentera son dernier ouvrage : “A bare hands, ( Bare Hands)

L'auteur espagnol, Victor Del Arbol, présentera son dernier roman également
La Tristeza del Samurái, (La tristesse du Samurai ) .


David Baez. Baby eyes, adult body, strong and alive as he was only sixteen years old. In front of him, invisible among a crowd of people dancing and drinking, an elderly man, tired and dangerous, the notes. And choose. The boy is kidnapped, thrown into a truck by force and forced to fight with bare hands against a stranger. Is its entry into the world of illegal fights to the death: or kill or be killed. Earlier David cries, protest, rebels: raised in a hushed and reassuring daily life, don't know what violence. But his body knows the instinct, and wins the first meetings. The man, her captor, can see in him the potential of a fighter unlike any other, and maybe even more, a sort of heir to transmit his knowledge, his values and his personal moral laws. Help him survive in an inhuman world, teach him that imprisonment, the abuses, murder and death can become acceptable, a new "normality". After 1442 days, a hundred murders behind and lost all inhibitions or morals, by David Baez won't be nothing left and from its ashes will be born Batiza, the fiercest assassins.

The second novel by Paola Barbato is education to violence of a modern Gladiator in a hell populated by sadists with white collar. Is the story of a living nightmare that engulfed every year dozens of people — at the bar, in front of schools, Metro — and devours forever, body and soul.”

Jul 102015

moranteElsa Morante, L'isola di Arturo, Einaudi



Procida, where the sea is always close at hand, is the world of the young Arturo. Passes adolescence dreaming of trips that remain in his head. Also because, It must be said, who would want to break away from such a beautiful place? Among the many novels at two steps from the water, this by Elsa Morante in Naples island is what seduces me more every time I reread. AND, In fact, fifties is always reprinted.





Antonio Pascale, The distracted city, Einaudi

libro1Sluggish land suspended between a past and a present uncertain (While you do not know if wish you if the future whether). Welcome to Caserta, i.e. The distracted city, how the baptizing a writer born here who preferred to flee to Rome. Writing by Antonio Pascale is affectionate and melancholic at the same time, While walking between the seduction of the immortal Château Vanvitelliana and surroundings.

Antonio Pascale
, born in Naples in 1966, published the distracted city (The editions Still, 1999 and Einaudi, 2001), republished, with the addition of new chapters, in 2009 by Einaudi with the title return to town distracted; Maintenance of suffering («The Einaudi Archipelago», 2003 and, increased by three stories, «ET» Writers, 2006); Passes the beauty (Einaudi, 2005); Science and sentiment (Sails 2008); Three thirds, with Diego De Silva and Valeria Parrella (Einaudi, 2009); The sentimental mitigating (Einaudi, 2013). Is among the authors of father Scene (Einaudi 2013) and Fool (Einaudi Stile Libero 2014). Some of his stories were published in «Lo Straniero» and «New» Topics. His story appears in the anthology Deserters («Freestyle»). Works with «Morning», «The Messenger», the «Corriere della Sera» and «Post». Was the «service» intellectual of the barbarian invasions of Daria Bignardi.


foscolofoscolo_R400Ugo Foscolo, Last letters of Jacopo Ortis, BUR

Forget reading sets in high school and think of Jacopo Ortis as a rebellious dreamer. Also because, in fact, at the beginning of the 19th century nothing was more rock of patriotism when Italy did not exist yet. In Colli Euganei UGO Foscolo does escape the young that, inspired by local nature, start writing those letters that sound as a cry against the deceptions of power.




altamgiuliana-altamura-300x300Giuliana Altamura, Bodies of glory, Marsilio

Strong sun, exclusive villas and the perverse innocence of twenty years. In a village along the coast Pugliese, the brothers Garcia and Andrea live among so many lights and shadows their fragility. Giuliana Altamura, his debut with this novel, write in a way so simple that it goes straight to the heart of the characters and the world (in appearance) fairy around them.






Francesco Piccolo, Significant moments of unhappiness, Einaudi

When drops who must call? You can throw out the window a classic you've always hated also because everyone says it's nice? Because the previous films of the Director are always more beautiful? In everyday life lurk small pleasures intense – that can capture even when you are in the queue at the supermarket – but it takes a gentle spirit as that of Francesco Piccolo to build this portable Encyclopaedia





fedrigottiIsabella Bossi Fedrigotti, My love, kill Garibaldi, Longanesi

Up and down the valleys, the Alpine pastures and farms in a region blessed by nature. The outbreak of the third war of independence, but he would call it differently, Earl Fang Bossi Fedrigotti part in defence of the Austro-Hungarian. And his wife, Princess Leopoldina Lobkowitz, He writes the phrase that gives the title to the book. History of a passion between you, grown in the splendor of the viennese Court, and that young penniless nobleman who comes from Rovereto, distant province. Many years later, the grandnephew, starting from correspondence (course in German) Reconstructs the story due to the background Story. That narrative 35 years from the exit does not lose strength thanks to the talent of one of contemporary Italian writers more brave.



De No. Roots 79-80


Mimmo Gangemi

Translation C. Mileschi
Threshold police / 352 p. / 21,50 €

The Calabria, Nowadays. Giorgio Maremmi, Deputy Prosecutor, is assassinated shortly after that an accused threatened him with death in the courtroom. His colleague Alberto Lenzi, says "the little judge.", Decides to avenge him. Little-known for his hard work, Lenzi proves to be a tenacious investigator. Its main indicator, Don Mico Rota, local boss of the ' Ndrangheta, is jailed for life but nothing escapes him. He expressed oddly, through obscure symbols and parables colored, but for those who can hear between the lines... Lenzi the can, apparently, and, putting his career at risk, It is desperately to shed light on a scandal that goes far beyond the usual mafia crime. Violent, Black, but quaint and humorous.


la contagionwalter-siti-2THE CONTAGION

Walter Siti

Translate F. Antoine
Éditions Verdier / 336 p. / 24 €

In a Council flat, in the heart of Rome borgate, the outlying districts, Chiara and her husband Marcello live, former bodybuilder between both sexes, Francesca, militant disabled, Bruno bear to the Roma in the arrest, Gianfranco, dealer who wants to grow, Eugenio, says the router, who works in a Studio and is in love with her roommate, prostitute. The borgate are the most profound transformations of the Italian company laboratory, and, more widely, European : We are witnessing contagion of ways of life that makes any division of society into classes both simplistic and blind. Excessive baroque novel, destructor, provocateur, The Contagion is a ship of fools, a volcano of energy which is run on its slopes, styles and genres, lives and languages.



Cesare Pavese

Translate N. Franck
Gallimard / 240 p. / 7,90 €

Written in 1926, This is the first story that has composed Cesare Pavese and which was found among his papers in the aftermath of his death. We follow, by stories alternated, the destinies of Masino, young journalist looking for himself, and Manda, former mechanic at Fiat, who went into exile in the expensive Langhe to Pavese, Turning moulted in soon homicidal husband. Why these parallel lives, kinds of trips at the end of the night, chanted by poems ? Through Masino as through Masin, Pavese admits and turns, in his weakness and his candor, but also asserts itself in the most beautiful black humor. First published in 1973.



Dario Fo

Translation C. Paul
Grasset / 288 p. / 19 €

Daughter of a Pope, three times married at the discretion of political alliances changing of the Borgia clan, mother of an illegitimate child whose father is found in the waters of the Tiber, Lucrèce Borgia has for long centuries been considered to be a sour character, and the incarnation of vice and debauchery. This novel reveals the for what it truly was : the victim of the actions of his own, a pawn in the hands of his brother, Caesar, and the most corrupt of the Popes, his father, Alexander VI. A grown woman, Protector of the arts and letters, sensitive and thoughtful, and whose humanity finally have reason for the wildest rumors. In a whirlwind that takes us to the heart of history, Dario Fo (Nobel Prize for literature in 1997) revived with talent and finesse the Renaissance, period as marked by the advancement of the arts than by the more scabrous intrigues and assassinations.



Milo Manara

Glénat comic / 48 p. / 14,95 €

Autumn 1592. Michelangelo da Caravaggio dit «Le Caravage» débarque à Rome. It draws its inspiration from the soul of the eternal city, between greatness and decadence, and with some colorful characters that he meets. Quickly admired for his talent, It will be however often criticised for its artistic biases, especially on his religious subjects - it will thus take to model of his death of the Virgin a whore. A reputation compounded by the inclination of the painter for violence and involvement in frequent and vivid clashes. Milo Manara, Master of the historical comic strip, here published the volume 1 of her work devoted to Caravaggio and the Italy of the Cinquecento.





Emilio Lussu

Translate E. Genevois and J. Monfort
Arléa / 320 p. / 11 €

The author recounts here the year 1916-1917 on the front located between the Italy and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The Trentino Alps form the scenery of a cruel and absurd theatre. Through a series of snapshots of the front seen by a skeptical narrator and helpless, Scrolls a procession of officers and soldiers struggling in the jaws of steel of the great war. A fresco humanist and pacifist. Published in Italy in 1938, adapted to film by Francesco Rosi in 1970, Against the men is one of the major texts on the first world war.