Sep 302016

Deux spectacles d’un auteur italien au Théâtre du Pavé



The 4 to the 6 octobre à 20h30

The 7 to the 15 octobre à 20h30

Deux pièces de Spiro Scimone

L’auteur est d’abord un acteur. Le théâtre italien a vu naître dans sa longue et prestigieuse histoire beaucoup d’autres auteurs qui entraient en scène par les coulisses (Goldoni, Gozzi, De Filippo ou encore Dario Fo…). Leur écriture théâtrale, procédant d’une pensée avant tout scénique, était et est d’abord au service des acteurs.
En prise avec une réalité économique et sociale souvent hostile, son théâtre met le projecteur sur des êtres aux marges du monde. De ceux dont le combat quotidien pour la survie est un leitmotiv.

Leur seule boussole réside en la présence rassurante de l’autre. Celui avec qui on partage un temps incertain, une parole fiable, empreinte de rugosité, mais aussi de confiance, d’aveux fugaces dans un monde où il est imprudent de trop se livrer – omerta oblige.

“[…] le réalisme choisi par L’Emetteur trouve pleinement justification : invitant le spectateur dans le quotidien de ces deux hommes, il en impose avec respect la très modeste compagnie, sans mise à distance, sans violer cette intimité par le filtre d’un regard critique, moqueur. […]” [Le clou dans la planche]

Les tarifs

Si vous venez voir le diptyque « Bar + Nunzio » du 7 to the 15 October, vous ne payez que pour le 1er spectacle, le 2ème vous est offert.

EN GROUPE (à partir de 5 people) sur pré-réservation : 8€ / personne
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Tarif normal : 5 places vendues 40€ (soit 8€ la place).
Price reduced (étudiant et demandeur d’emploi) : 3 places vendues 18€ (soit 6€ la place, chaque utilisateur doit être étudiant ou demandeur d’emploi).

Théâtre du Pavé – 34, rue Maran à Toulouse – Métro B St-Agne SNCF
Renseignement :

Licence d’entrepreneur du spectacle n°1 : 1050212 – n°2 : 1050256 – n°3 : 1050258


May 032016

25 May > 28 May


Duration : 2H30 with intermission

Romeo Castellucci was born in Cesena in 1960. He studied painting and stage design at the Academy of fine arts of Bologna. He founded in 1981, with Claudia Castellucci and Chiara Guidi, the Societas Rafaello Sanzio. He directed many of the shows which he is both the author, the Director, the creator of sets, lights, sounds and costumes. Known in the world - his creations have been performed in more than 50 countries - as the author of a theatre based on the totality of the arts to a full perception, He also wrote various theoretical essays on the mise en scène allowing to trace his theatrical career. His stagings indeed offer a type of drama that escapes the primacy of literature, making his theatre a plastic art complex, a theatre of images of great wealth. Since 2006 working alone. Her shows are regularly invited and produced by the most prestigious stages, theatres, operas and festivals.
He has received various awards and honours : en 2014 The Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna awarded him the title of doctor honoris causa in music and Theatre disciplines.



Mar 102016

Graulhet Forum, near Albi.
Price reduced (6€50) for the members of the Association on presentation of membership card.


Nunzio, first text of Spiro Scimone, is written in the dialect of Messina. Two companions, the uncertain common past, share a small apartment.

Nunzio works in a factory, where he breathed toxic products, which severely damaged his health.
It is unclear what manufactures Pino. He receives mysterious envelopes slipped under the door, made just as mysterious trips…

"In this context where death lurks., humanity gushes of the brotherhood of these two beings, These somewhat derisory anti-hero and the poor rampart of tenderness that they erected, a screen against adversity." Cécile Brochard, Flash.

"Set"., Olivier Jeannelle and Denis Rey sign an absolutely impeccable partition, delivered by touches of tenderness, and in which crept modestly their own complicit relationship."

Author Spiro Scimone / Olivier Jeannelle staging / Interpretation Olivier Jeannelle, Denis Re

Full €9.5
Privilege €6,5
Mini €6.5

Mar 092016

Show of stories and song
' love story of an Italian worker’

Friday 29 April white dog Theatre – 26 Rue General Compans- 31500 Toulouse

RADIO LA VIDEO en cliquant sur l'onglet CULTURE then TOPIC / Videos: Video Theater

AngiOlina NerOliva is a journey narrated and sung from one end to the other of postwar Italy; a tale of love and society very much appreciated by the public from various countries


1° Caramia Antonio


Olive fotoOlive photo 2

Olive photo 3

From South to North, campaign in the city,

fields of olives at the factory, Sunset in fog,
AngiOlina NerOliva
tries to escape his fate
already drawn south of the Italy women's.

Under the strict supervision of his brothers
and under the benevolent eye of the “Nonna Concetta”,
his grandmother,
She will meet with the world and abuse of power,
love and deception
Will it be love winner ? Mystery and ball of... gnocchi !

A journey told and Sung
from one end to another of the post-war Italy…

with Debora Di Gilio and Tiziana Valentini

Feb 222016

The 16 and 17 March 2016 / The Jean Jaurès and the artists of Montrabé station University cultural factory









This year the Theatre Company, the Chiassosi, University theatre Association, offers a militant show dealing with violence against women.

Show in Italian, surtitled in french

“INJURIES TO DEATH” part of a collection of Serena Dandinidandini

Jean-Claude Bastos staging / choreography by Alain Abadie

In a non-suit and a time suspended, together all women who have died by violence of men: rich and poor women, cultivated or illiterate, young and old, rebels or subject. Finally delivered on their status of victim, They tell their stories, venues around the world : India, Italy, France, USA, Mexico...
It thus becomes witness to the tragedies caused by a macho society, by cruel traditions, by mindsets backward. The result is an activist anthology of oddly full of humour and irony stories, where the tragedy of the daily demand justice and universality of the stories pushes the reader-Viewer to think and act with regard to the true status of women in the
21st century. bilingual French edition published in the collection


Venue :

  • to the cultural fabric of the University Jean Jaurès the 16 March at 7 pm and the 17 March at 12:45 and 19: 00 free admission for all)

  • at the train station at the Montrabé artists the 31 March to 20.30 (entered 6 € and 8 €)


Jan 282016


in Italian, surtitled in french

From an ordinary Polish woman intimate books, Daria Deflorian and Antonio Tagliarini invent a theatrical matter spoken-danced, irresistible, that approach the mysterious reality of this invisible life.

To book online

Mar 122015

Until the 21 March / Duration 2 h 15 / Large room
Translated by Agathe Mélinand full text
Staging, sets and costumes: Laurent Pelly
Production: TNT – Théâtre national de Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées
Co-production: MC2 – Grenoble, Théâtre national de Bretagne – Rennes

In his theatrical fable 1765, The Venetian Gozzi affords. His extraordinary play is both a voyage of initiation, a philosophical tale, a folly where it crosses bloodthirsty Queen, depressive King, porkbutcher exceeded, fairies and, Of course, a magical bird

Saturday 21 March/16 h

Conference – Debate: The Green Bird (Carlo Gozzi, 1765) : “Commedia dell'arte the philosophical fable”
Cecile Berger,
Lecturer in Italian studies at Toulouse University – Jean Jaurès, Agathe Mélinand and Laurent Pelly.

Free entrance upon reservation in the
05 34 45 05 05
