Feb 162015










Association I CHIASSOSI

5, Allées Antonio Machado

31058 Toulouse cedex

Company I Chiassosi / Project 2015

Spectacle in Italian with surtitles in french.


di Tino Caspanello


Revolutions missed, revolutions raped, revolutions waiting to explode. Would we still be struggling ? We still have a thing for which fight ? Will we still have the courage and dignity to do so ?

Human is revolt (Camus docet!), and we live of revolutions, small or large. Of the first fights within the family, necessary, forced passages, to those greatest that involve as members of a society that claims sacrosanct rights. And it is precisely within this institution that we live too often the failure of our battles, Perhaps because - that we have lost sight of the main objective of each revolt : again own all rights and all the prerogatives that make a man a human being. It is not work, It is no necessary social institutions, and this precisely because - that latter fall into the category of needs, but the dignity, respect, tolerance, the right to dream, the possibility of living a time seconded bonds, a time of the soul. Nevertheless, and we know, each revolution is that at the time where it explodes. After, It is more than a system.

Quadri di una rivoluzione tells the epilogue of a revolution, one of the many revolutions, who found a dimension in the space of a stadium. Barricaded indoors, the three revolutionaries, the last three survivors, desperately trying to keep alive their dream of revolt. However, any dream as a dream needs a reality to find its proper measure, and all too often we cannot measure the distance that separates them and that we cannot fill. Then when reality rushes inside this dream, the enchanted castle begins to crumble, to assign, to show the fragility of a utopia.

Tino Caspanello


In a stadium surrounded by walls, live three men, the last resistance of a revolution missed and unidentified. Outside, others who suspect, monitor, wait for them. One of them brought into this closed circle a woman : its condition of expectant mother gives him a special status within the Group, to enter in the confidence of each, create links... and to dissolve. The distrust and the fall then... triggered a series of paintings of famous painters made echoes in scenic tables : Rembrandt, Matisse, Degas, Renoir, Matisse... which punctuate their universe uncluttered dialogues of the characters, Stressing the universality of the balance of power and the force of silence. The author tries to rebuild, in a metaphysical vision, fragments of life, a small daily flashes that there, too often, struggling to collect.

The author

Tino Caspanello (born in Pagliara - Messina in 1960), graduated in scenography from the Academy of Fine Arts in Perugia. He founded the Compagnia Teatro Pubblico Incanto in 1993. Since, He wrote, interprets and staged his own texts. The room Husband has received the Special Prize of the Jury at the Premio Riccione per it Teatro (2003). En 2014, the text Quadri di una rivoluzione arrived at the head of the Eurodram selections – European network of theatrical translation (House of Europe and the East – Paris).

Editorial and pedagogical work component

Like every year, the play will be translated in French and published in bilingual version in the collection New scenes Italian n ° 11 (publication in March 2015) so happens to his eighth number. It will also be a team effort on the part of the MASTER PROSCENIO student charged for overage in french of the piece, during the performance.


On the campus of the UTM :

  • Tuesday 3 March at 19:00
  • Wednesday 4 March at 19:00

Off-campus of UTM :

  • The station to artists (Montrabé)- Tuesday 31 March at 15 h and 20 h

Staging : Jean-Claude Bastos

Duration of the show : 1H30

Sound and lights : Serena Andreasi

Scenography / Set designer : Jean-Claude Bastos and students

Nov 042014

con he suo "LE VOCI di DENTRO", Director and star Toni Servillo, Live from Teatro San Ferdinando di Napoli.

Thirty years after the death of Eduardo DE FILIPPO, the institutions, the theatre, the country remembers one of his greatest drammaturgi that tell of Naples to tell the world in a happy synthesis that made his stories as possible and proposed not only in Italy, but in Russia, in England, everywhere.


Apr 032014

chiassosiExclusively for the Italy in Toulouse


Friday 25 April / 8:30 pm

the company I CHIASSOSI presents the Tiziano Scarpa


Spectacle in Italian with surtitles in french

Comedy “Wicked” and creaky, funny but also very critical of our society.

Very contemporary text (2011). The comedy takes place in a cemetery under construction, with characters playing a social role which does not correspond to the truth : a worker, a young Mason, one “badante” Russian, an old grumpy architect. All pretend to be another, by revealing social relationships and hypocrisies of our society. It's a comedy “Wicked” and creaky, funny but also very critical of our society.

The troupe I Chiassosi (The rowdy), composed of students of Italian, has been created in 1992 by Evelyne Donnarel the development of culture and the Italian language. Since it is headed 2009 by Antonella Capra.