Sep 072015

House of the time free 17 h 00 : debate on the future of Europe. Open to all // Free entrance

/Matthias FEKL, Secretary of State for foreign trade, the promotion of tourism and the French from abroad
/Harlem DÉSIR, Secretary of State for European Affairs
/ Eric ANDRIEUX, Member of European
/Régine POVEDA, Mayor of Meilhan-sur-Garonne
/Andrea Attilio GAVA, Mayor of Caneva (Italy)
/ Richard ALVAREZ, Mayor of Brisach (Alsace)
/ Oliver REIN, Mayor of Breisach Am Rhein (Germany)
/ Giusi NICOLINI *., Mayor of Lampedusa (Italy) * subject news
/Rocco FEMIA, Director of the magazine RADICI.

The purpose of this debate is to facilitate exchanges between the population and elected representatives in charge of European issues, Discover how these issues are addressed in France, in Germany and Italy and especially how small rural communes such as ours can engage and facilitate the citizen civic involvement of their inhabitants in the future. Italian emigration passed and the question of the reception of migrants in Europe will be, of course, at the heart of this debate.
21h00 : show
"ITALIANS"., When emigrants it was us. "
by Gruppo Incanto
BOOKING PLACES in the 05 53 94 30 04

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