Oct 302015

You will find the “absolute Diva” Saturday 14 November at 8 pm at the Halle des Grains de Toulouse.
It is strongly recommended to book :grandsinterpretes.com

Cecilia Bartoli, the absolute Tsarina, benefactor of baroque singing

The diva assoluta ours, and to say the least, It is in great shape. Those who already know the content of the recital which refers in part to the latest released CD will tell you it's same great shape, with always, purity in the line and lack of hardness in the acute extreme, What could worry about a time. Captivating from beginning to end, the stamp is always as catchy, the meaning of as exceptional shades - much imitated, never equaled -, vocalizations emitted a little less in the Kalashnikov AK-12 style, and, icing on the cake, a permanent attachment, almost visceral to what may be called the good say, a rare commodity, and even absent in some singer(and)yet deemed s. – See more at: http://www.grandsinterpretes.com/Cecilia-Bartoli-Tsarine-absolue-bienfaitrice-du-chant-Baroque/#sthash.hr7YxDS0.dpuf

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